# remove commit locally$ git reset HEAD^# force-push the new HEAD commit$ git push origin +HEAD https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8225125/remove-last-commit-from-remote-git-repository bug ❌ constgetAllData=async(val = {}) => {setLoading(true);awaitgetMonitorList({name: search,page: ...
# b,break=stophere(continuerebase laterwith'git rebase --continue')# d,drop<commit>=remove commit # l,label=label currentHEADwitha name # t,reset=resetHEADto a label # m,merge[-C<commit>|-c<commit>][#<oneline>]# create a merge commit using the original merge commit's #message(or...
# p, pick <commit> = use commit # r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message # e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this ...
当本地修改提交历史的分支已经在远程仓库时(如下图),远程分支(master)与本地分支(feature)HEAD 指针的 commit ID 不一致,所以 Git 默认认为本地分支不是fast-forward而不允许push,因此只能先git pull(fetch+merge) 远程代码才能执行push操作,我们知道merge时会产生一次没意义的提交记录,这样反而生成了两次 com...
git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD' 这样,可以轻松地看到最后一次提交信息: # 这个命令是为Git配置一个全局别名last,使每次输入git last就能显示最近一次的提交信息。 git last commit 66938dae3329c7aebe598c2246a8e6af90d04646 Author: Josh Goebel <dreamer3@example.com> Date: Tue Aug 26 19...
$ git commit --amend 这个命令会将暂存区中的文件提交。 如果自上次提交以来你还未做任何修改(例如,在上次提交后马上执行了此命令), 那么快照会保持不变,而你所修改的只是提交信息。 文本编辑器启动后,可以看到之前的提交信息。 编辑后保存会覆盖原来的提交信息。
Changing the Last Commit Changing your most recent commit is probably the most common rewriting of history that you’ll do. You’ll often want to do two basic things to your last commit: simply change the commit message, or change the actual content of the commit by adding, removing and ...
git commit -m "add file" git push 目录结构 .git ├─ COMMIT_EDITMSG ├─ FETCH_HEAD ├─ HEAD#该文件表示当前本地签出的分支,例如存储的值:ref: refs/heads/master ├─ ORIG_HEAD ├─ config ├─ description ├─ hooks │ ├─ applypatch-msg.sample ...
# s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # d, drop <commit> = remove commit # l, label...
# Output the contents of `refs/heads/main` file:cat .git/refs/heads/main# Inspect the commit at the tip of the `main` branch:git log -1 main cat命令输出的提交哈希串应该与git log命令输出的提交哈希串一致。 如果需要改变main分支的引用,Git只需要修改refs/heads/main文件的内容就可以了。类似的...