1. 先把远程的目标分支merge到本地: 命令: git merge master git pull origin master 2. 现在我们检查工作环境,发现我们所有的文件和我们遇到的冲突文件: 命令: git status 3. 查看冲突文件具体冲突,可以用命令或者用开发工具查看(开发工具都有git插件,可以安装一下) 命令:git diff 你的冲突文件名以及路径 4....
$ git reset --soft 384deccaa6 $ git status On branch master Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) modified: .gitignore modified: conf/application.conf new file: conf/hanlp.properties new file: dataservice/app/...
The tip of the branch is referenced by a branch head, which moves forward as additional development is done on the branch. A single Git repository can track an arbitrary number of branches, but your working tree is associated with just one of them (the "current" or "checked out" branch)...
changeCounts: {[key: number]: number} Property Value {[key: number]: number} changes TypeScript 複製 changes: GitChange[] Property Value GitChange[] commonCommit TypeScript 複製 commonCommit: string Property Value string targetCommit Type...
Abranchis simply a chain of commits that branch off from the main line of development, like a branch on a tree. If you're switching to Git from another VCS, you might be accustomed to slightly different terminology. The VCS Subversion names its default branchtrunk, while Git names itmaster...
// master 代表分支名称git init//创建空目录git clone 仓库地址//git 克隆代码git status//查看状态 no branch 当前分支 no commits yet 暂存区内容gitadd文件名//将文件添加到暂存区git cat-file-t git存储name//查看文件类型 文件哈希名例:3b18e5git cat-file-p git存储name//打印文件内容 文件哈希名例...
Note that D and E become different commits: A---B---C---F---D'---E' master, origin/master 修改分支名称 rename branch Step 1. 本地分支重命名(还没有推送到远程) git branch -m oldName newName Step 2. 远程分支重命名 (已经推送远程-假设本地分支和远程对应分支名称相同)...
shows the commits's message git log --stat Thegit logwith flag--statcan be used to display the files that have been changed in the commit, as well as the number of lines that have been added or deleted. the stat is short for statistics. ...
On branch chucklu_master Your branch and 'chucklu/master' have diverged, and have 19 and 70 different commits each, respectively. (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours) You are currently cherry-picking commit fa14668. ...
REPO=apjanke/oh-my-zsh BRANCH=edge sh install.sh Manual Installation 1. Clone The Repository git clone https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh 2. Optionally, Backup Your Existing ~/.zshrc File cp ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc.orig 3. Create A New Zsh Configuration File You ...