第四步,遍历分支,根据分支name获取commits 注意,当title和message 接口地址: http://gitlab地址/api/v4/projects/项目id/repository/commits?ref_name=master&private_token=xxx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [{ "id":"d1b9747ba994f19fb6afb069b3751bd3cf21ag32", "author_name":...
A synonym for --right-only --cherry-mark --no-merges; useful to limit the output to the commits on our side and mark those that have been applied to the other side of a forked history with git log --cherry upstream...mybranch, similar to git cherry upstream mybranch. -g --walk...
-m "master orphan init" 删除旧分支 git branch -D master 重命名当前分支到旧分支 git branch -m...
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] path = foo.inc ; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is ; currently checked out [includeIf "onbranch:foo-branch"] path = foo.inc ; include only if a remote with the given URL exists (note ; that such a URL may be ...
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example: git checkout -b new_branch_name HEAD is now at 427abfa Linux v2.6.17 The HEAD then refers to the SHA-1 of the commit instead ...
-m "master orphan init" 删除旧分支 git branch -D master 重命名当前分支到旧分支 git branch -m...
Developer Onboarding Development Engineering Analytics Engineering Career Development Engineering Communication Engineering Demo Process Engineering Error Budgets Engineering Fellow Shadow Engineering Function Performance Indicators Engineering Hiring Engineering IC Leadership Engineering Management Engineeri...
GitQueryBranchStatsCriteria GitQueryCommitsCriteria GitQueryRefsCriteria GitRecycleBinRepositoryDetails GitRef GitRefFavorite GitRefSearchType GitRefUpdate GitRefUpdateMode GitRefUpdateResult GitRefUpdateStatus GitRepository GitRepository GitRepositoryCreateOptions GitRepositoryRef GitRepositoryRef GitRepositoryStats ...
Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch git-push[1] Update remote refs along with associated objects git-rebase[1] Reapply commits on top of another base tip git-reset[1] Reset current HEAD to the specified state git-revert[1] Revert some existing comm...
Code This branch is 257 commits ahead of, 1128 commits behind git-for-windows/git:main.Folders and filesLatest commit dscho Fix the release-winget workflow (#728) 5ad6dd6· Feb 25, 2025 History164,038 Commits .github fixup! build-git-installers: publish gpg public key Feb 21, 2025 ...