Returns error code 1 if no value is found. --global For writing options: write to global ~/.gitconfig file rather than the repository .git/config, write to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config file if this file exists and the ~/.gitconfig file doesn’t. For reading options: read only from...
It is an error to use this option unless --walk-reflogs is in use. --grep=<pattern> Limit the commits output to ones with a log message that matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep=<pattern>, commits whose message matches any of the given ...
The optional argument <path> is the relative location for the cloned submodule to exist in the superproject. If <path> is not given, the canonical part of the source repository is used ("repo" for "/path/to/repo.git" and "foo" for "host.xz:foo/.git"). If <path> exists and is...
What is the ‘fatal: remote origin already exists’ error? fatal: remote origin already existsis a common Git error that occurs when you clone a repository from GitHub, or an external remote repository, into your local machine and then try to update the pointingoriginURL to your own repositor...
msgid "File %s already exists." msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:506 msgid "Clone" msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:519 msgid "Source Location:" msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:528 msgid "Target Directory:" msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:...
ERROR: could not load library "/opt/gitlab/embedded/postgresql/12/lib/": /opt/gitlab/embedded/postgresql/12/lib/ undefined symbol: EnsurePortalSnapshotExists This error is caused due to not restarting PostgreSQL after the underlying version changed. To fix this error: ...
msgid "Directory %s already exists." msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:491 #, tcl-format msgid "File %s already exists." msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:506 msgid "Clone" msgstr "" #: lib/choose_repository.tcl:519 msgid "Source Location:" msgstr "" #...
can be found in ~/Library/LaunchAgent. Make sure the paths specified for the gitlab-runner.out.log and gitloab-runner.err.log both point to a location that already exists. In my case I changed these to be in the home directory of the user account from which I run the gitlab runner...
ctrl-l- Jump to a specific line number or percentage. Pressreturnto jump to the top. If at the top, pressreturnto jump to the bottom. Press one of the highlighted on-screen letters to jump to that location. ctrl-f- Search for a string. The search wraps around and is case sensitive...
manager: create repository: rpc error: code = AlreadyExists desc = creating repository: repository exists already\n","pid":73,"time":"2023-02-24T04:48:25.019Z"}2023-02-24 04:48:25 +0000 -- Deleting tar staging files ...2023-02-24 04:48:25 +0000 -- Cleaning up /srv/gitlab/tmp...