::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch '%s' already exists." "分支 '%s' 已经存在." ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch '%s' already exists.\n\nIt cannot fast-forward to %s.\nA merge is required." "分支 '%s' 已经存在.\n\n无法快速合并到 %s.\n需要普通合并." ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "Branch...
1、先输入$ ssh-agent,再输入$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_key,这样就可以了。 2、如果还是不行的话,输入ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_key 命令后出现报错Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.解决方法是key用Git Gui的ssh工具生成,这样生成的时候key就直接保存在ssh中了,不需要再ssh-add命令加入了,...
diff.guitool Controls which diff tool is used by git-difftool[1] when the -g/--gui flag is specified. This variable overrides the value configured in merge.guitool. The list below shows the valid built-in values. Any other value is treated as a custom diff tool and requires that a...
实践一:vscode git 插件 除了了vscode自带插件的 git 插件外,我还另外推荐几个其它的插件: 其中gitLens是最推荐使用的。 自带的git插件就不用多说了,GUI 简单易懂,看图。 同时gitLens推荐它的理由是特别方便追溯,能清晰的看到每行代码的历史。 实践二:GitHub Desktop GitHub Desktop的口号是Focus on what matters...
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "配置的邮箱" 查看公钥: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 cat~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 配置公钥: 直接在个人设置中找到SSH Keys进行添加公钥即可,后面我们就可以正常使用我们的git进行克隆等操作了。
2、如果还是不行的话,输入ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_key 命令后出现报错Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.解决方法是key用Git Gui的ssh工具生成,这样生成的时候key就直接保存在ssh中了,不需要再ssh-add命令加入了,其它的user,token等配置都用命令行来做。
The %d and %D placeholders will use the "short" decoration format if --decorate was not already provided on the command line. The boolean options accept an optional value [=<bool-value>]. The values true, false, on, off etc. are all accepted. See the "boolean" sub-section in "...
Now add the changes to the index that you want to have in the first commit. You can usegit add(possibly interactively) orgit gui(or both) to do that. Commit the now-current index with whatever commit message is appropriate now.
"git-gui - Git 的图形化用户界面" ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "git-gui: fatal error" "git-gui: 致命错误" ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "lines annotated" "标注行" ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "objects" "objects" ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "pt." "磅" ::msgcat::mcset zh_cn "push %s" "...
如果你使用的是Git的图形化界面工具(如Git GUI或GitKraken),你可以按照以下步骤来修改分支名称: 1. 打开Git图形化界面工具,选择你要修改名称的仓库。 2. 找到分支列表或分支树,定位到你想要修改的分支。 3. 右键点击该分支,在弹出的菜单中选择“重命名”或类似选项。