13、解决代码冲突 如若存在代码冲突,则vscode会显示冲突的地方,冲突修改结束后, 再按照流程:1、添加暂存区 2、commit 说明 3、push推到远程。 并且,给出来冲突解决选项 Accept Current Change Accept Coming Change Accept Both Changes Compare Changes Start Live Share Session 14、develop分支合并到master分支 14.1 ...
the feature Compare directories with between two branches is really cool ! But it seems not very convenient to compare directory between two tags: Currently, I am reading a project called requests and often need to see the changes betwee...
1、local-history安装及文件保存路径设置 打开VSCode,在"Extensions"中搜索"local history",单击"install"即可,如下所示: 使用local history有一点需要注意:文件保存路径不要与编译器编译路径重合,否则,编译器会将local history保存的文件也进行编译。很多时候,VSCode打开的工程也是编译器的搜索路径。所以,最好的处理方式...
Search & Compare: Link directly into comparisons in the Search & Compare view for viewing comparisons between branches, tags, and commits. To generate a Deep Link, right-click a comparison, hover over Share, and select Copy Link to Comparison. GitKraken Workspaces: Link directly to a ...
此时,必须手动编辑Git合并失败的文件,解决冲突之后才能合并。有一些简化手动解决冲突的工具,如 Vscode 编辑器可以一键接受某个版本;也有beyond compare软件帮助比较、解决冲突。 分支合并模式 通常,合并分支时,如果可能,Git会用Fast forward模式,但这种模式下,删除分支后,会丢掉分支信息。
a Remotes view to visualize, explore, and manage Git remotes and remote branches a Stashes view to visualize, explore, and manage Git stashes a Tags view to visualize, explore, and manage Git tags a Contributors view to visualize, navigate, and explore contributors a Search & Compare view ...
Search & Compare— Search and explore for a specific commit, message, author, changed file or files, or even a specific code change, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more. GitLens Quick access to many GitLens features. Also the home of GitKraken teams and collabo...
A hidden by default, customizable view to search and explore commit histories by message, author, files, id, etc, or visualize comparisons between branches, tags, commits, and more The Search & Compare view lists pinnable (saved) results for searching commit histories or for comparison operations...
vscode-azurefunctions ms- 1.13.3 vscode-azureresourcegroups ms- 0.8.4 azure-account ms- 0.11.6 powershell ms- 2024.0.0 tempotimetracking tem 2.0.3 A/B Experiments vsliv368:30146709 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 vstes627:30244334 vscoreces:30445986 vscod805cf:3030167...
1 How to git diff between branches in VSCode 3 How to compare a single file across git branches while keep on editing 63 Using VSCode, how do I compare two non-consecutive commits on a file in Gitlens 6 VSCode - how to compare current file with that of r...