1. 打开 VSCode,使用快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + P (或者 Command + Shift + P),打开命令面板。 2. 输入 “Git: Compare Branches” 并选择此命令。 3. 选择要比较的两个分支,按下 Enter 键。 4. VSCode 会集成 Git Diff 的功能,并显示两个分支之间的差异。 方法三:使用终端命令 1. 打开终端(Terminal)...
首先要清楚Git版本管理的基础,是按行对比(line diff)将差异的部分作为一个增量补丁,通过git add添加到暂存区里的每一个文件都会由line diff得到该文件的增量补丁,而git commit将暂存区里的所有文件的增量补丁合并起来存入仓库就是一个commit。 通常在提交(commit)时,会生成一个SHA-1 Hash值作为commit ID。每个comm...
2Branches 0Tags Code This branch is5 commits behindi5ting/vsc:master. Repository files navigation README MIT license visual studio code Visual Studio Code(以下简称vsc)最近更新到了v1.1.0版本 vsc是一个比较潮比较新的编辑器(跨平台Mac OS X、Windows和 Linux ) ...
Branches and TagsYou can create and checkout branches directly within VS Code through the Git: Create Branch and Git: Checkout to commands in the Command Palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)).If you run Git: Checkout to, you will see a dropdown list containing all of the...
You can create and checkout branches directly within VS Code through theGit: Create BranchandGit: Checkout tocommands in theCommand Palette(⇧⌘P(Windows, LinuxCtrl+Shift+P)). If you runGit: Checkout to, you will see a dropdown list containing all of the branches or tags in the cur...
vs code淘金——git工具——Git Blame & Git Graph & GitLens & Git supercharged & Git History Diff,
or, to only affect rebase, set VS Code as your Git rebase editor git config --global sequence.editor "code --wait" To use the Insiders edition of VS Code, replace code in the above with code-insiders Terminal Links # Optionally adds autolinks for branches, tags, and commit ranges in...
And with Visual Studio Code, you can set up and use them in a snap. Even if you're a beginner, VS Code's user-friendly interface guides you through common Git actions like pushing and pulling code, creating and merging branches, and committing code changes. And if you're a pro, you...
git diff//查看详细修改内容 git show//显示某次提交的内容 #撤销操作 git reset <file>//某个文件索引会回滚到最后一次提交, C → B git reset//索引会回滚到最后一次提交, C → B git reset --hard // 索引会回滚到最后一次提交, C → B → A git checkout // 从index复制到workspace, B → ...
vs code淘金——git工具——Git Blame & Git Graph & GitLens & Git supercharged & Git History Diff 标签: vscode , tools , git 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 PanPan003 粉丝- 66 关注- 614 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: vs code淘金——绘制流程图 & visio免费替代——...