69204cd HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from main to my-branch 正如你所见,我们有一个来自删除分支的提交hash(commit hash),接下来看看是否能恢复删除了的分支。 (main)$ git checkout -b my-branch-help Switched to a new branch 'my-branch-help' (my-branch-help)$ git reset --hard 4e3cd85 HEA...
git-show-branch[1] Show branches and their commits git-verify-commit[1] Check the GPG signature of commits git-verify-tag[1] Check the GPG signature of tags git-version[1] Display version information about Git git-whatchanged[1] Show logs with differences each commit introduces ...
(ノへ ̄、) 使用到的命令 $ git branch # 显示所有本地分支 $ git branch <new branch> # 创...
git push <remote> :<branchName> git push <remote> :<branchName>命令用于删除远程仓库<remote>中的指定分支(<branchName>)。这个命令通过推送一个空分支到远程仓库的<branchName>分支来实现删除操作。 async function doDeleteBranch(branchList) { const deleteBranchList = await getDeleteBranch(branchList); ...
git checkout branch_name :会自动绑定远程对应的分支branch_name git checkout -- file_name :撤销修改 git checkout -- . :撤销全部修改 3.修改最新一次commit的commit信息 git commit --amend 4.查看文件状态 git status 5.去除Untracked files(仅限于git status只显示Untracked files,如果有Tracked、Modified...
$git checkout master Switched to branch"master" 此时工作目录中的内容和你在解决问题 #53 之前一模一样,你可以集中精力进行紧急修补。这一点值得牢记:Git 会把工作目录的内容恢复为检出某分支时它所指向的那个提交对象的快照。它会自动添加、删除和修改文件以确保目录的内容和你当时提交时完全一样。
345 Check if current directory is a Git repository 364 How do I programmatically determine if there are uncommitted changes? 295 Get the current git hash in a Python script 132 Command to get latest Git commit hash from a branch See more linked questions Related 409 How to find a com...
execute the branch command, it (by default) uses the pointer of the current branch and create a new branch that points to the same commit as the current branch. Thebranchcommand doesn't automatically change the current branch to the new branch. Therefore, you need to use thecheckoutcommand...
Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current branch. If the current branch is behind the remote, then by default it will fast-forward the current branch to match the remote. If the current branch and the remote have diverged, the user needs to specify how to...
2> 从当前分支拉copy开发分支:git checkout -b dev 执行上面的命令后提示 Switched to a new branch 'dev',证明已经切换到新的分支上 3> 把新建的分支push到远端:git push origin dev 4> 拉取远端分支:git pull 执行上述命令提示: There is no tracking information for the current branch. ...