git diff HEAD#比较当前工作区和上一次提交时文件的差异git diff HEAD^#比较上一次提交和上上次提交的文件差异git diff 分支名#查看当前分支跟指定的分支的差异git diff 分支名1 分支名2#查看两个指定分支(已提交的)的差异,分支2 跟分支1的差别git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U#查看冲突文件 这个太有...
git checkout HEAD^(检出前一版本的代码) git checkout -b branch_name(检出并创建新分支) git checkout branch_name (切换到某分支) git checkout -f branch_name(强制切换到某分支) 9. git reset:重置代码 常见用法 git reset 5a5d53e(重置版本库和暂存区) git reset --soft 5a5d53e(重置版本库) gi...
When the <commit> argument is a branch name, the --detach option can be used to detach HEAD at the tip of the branch (git checkout <branch> would check out that branch without detaching HEAD). Omitting <branch> detaches HEAD at the tip of the current branch. git checkout [-f|--...
When the <commit> argument is a branch name, the--detachoption can be used to detach HEAD at the tip of the branch (git checkout <branch>would check out that branch without detaching HEAD). Omitting <branch> detaches HEAD at the tip of the current branch. ...
When the <commit> argument is a branch name, the--detachoption can be used to detach HEAD at the tip of the branch (git checkout <branch>would check out that branch without detaching HEAD). Omitting <branch> detaches HEAD at the tip of the current branch. ...
When the <commit> argument is a branch name, the--detachoption can be used to detach HEAD at the tip of the branch (git checkout <branch>would check out that branch without detaching HEAD). Omitting <branch> detaches HEAD at the tip of the current branch. ...
git checkout -b<new-branch> <existing-branch> By defaultgit checkout -bwill base thenew-branchoff the currentHEAD. An optional additional branch parameter can be passed togit checkout. In the above example,<existing-branch>is passed which then basesnew-branchoff ofexisting-branchinstead of ...
1. Make sure yourHEADis pointing to the target branch. Usegit checkoutorgit switchto switch to the branch where you want the file copied: git checkout [branch_name] 2. Check out the file from the other branch using the following syntax: ...
In its simplest (and most common) form, only the name of an existing local branch is specified: $ git checkout other-branch This will make the given branch the new HEAD branch. If, in one go, you also want to create a new local branch, you can use the "-b" parameter: ...