# 示例 pick f1e2d3c4 My previous commit message edit 5a6b7c8d The commit message I want to change # 将pick改为edit 步骤四:修改commit信息 Git会停止在需要修改的commit上,此时你可以使用git commit --amend命令来修改commit的信息。修改完成后,保存并关闭编辑器。 bash git commit --amend 在编辑...
方法一:用commit –amend 这种方法不仅可以修改commit message,也可以修改提交内容。这种方式在还没有推送到远端的情况下可以比较方便的保持原有的Change-Id,推荐使用(若已经推送到远端,Change-Id则会修改掉)。 #修改需要修改的地方(只是修改commit message就不用做) git add . #这一步如果只是修改commit message不...
We shouldn't change the commit message from the remote repo, it break other prople commit logs --amend can be used in another case, which you forgot to save one file, but you already did one commit, in this case, you might want to add this file into previous commit as well instead ...
这种方式在还没有推送到远端的情况下,可以保持原有的 Change-Id(commit id)。若已经推送到远端,Change-Id 则会修改掉。 12345 # 修改需要修改的项目代码(如果只需要修改 commit message 就不用做)git add . #如果只需要修改 commit message 就不用做git commit --amend# 在出现的 vim 编辑器中修改 commit ...
We shouldn't change the commit message from the remote repo, it break other prople commit logs --amend can be used in another case, which you forgot to save one file, but you already did one commit, in this case, you might want to add this file into previous commit as well instead...
同时需要指定想要重写多久远的历史,比如修改最近三次提交:git rebase -i HEAD~3 ,因为笔者的FirstCommit是repository里面的第一个提交,所以笔者采用的是git rebase -i --root命令,有兴趣的同学可以看看这个:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2246208/change-first-commit-of-project-with-git/2309391#2309391....
You need to edit the script so that it stops at the commit you want to edit. To do so, change the word “pick” to the word “edit” for each of the commits you want the script to stop after. For example, to modify only the third commit message, you change the file to look li...
# e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # b, break...
11.revert: Reverts a previous commit scope表示影响范围,如:route, component, utils, build等 subject表示commit概述,建议符合50/72 formatting body表示具体修改的内容,可以分为多行,每一行建议符合50/72 formatting footer是一些备注信息, 通常是BREAKING CHANGE或修复的BUG链接,如:issue #123 ...
应用场景2:有时候开发分支中的代码记录被污染了,导致开发分支合到线上分支有问题,这时就需要拉一条干净的开发分支,再从旧的开发分支中,把 commit 复制到新分支。 用法: git cherry-pick [] ... 常用options: --quit 退出当前的chery-pick序列 --continue 继续当前的chery-pick序列 ...