$ cat changeCommit.sh #!/bin/sh git filter-branch --env-filter ' # 之前的邮箱 OLD_EMAIL="XXX@XX.com" # 修改后的用户名 CORRECT_NAME="XXX" # 修改后的邮箱 CORRECT_EMAIL="XXX@XX.com" if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "$OLD_EMAIL" ] then export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$CORRECT_NAME" ...
$ cat changeCommit.sh #!/bin/sh git filter-branch --env-filter ' # 之前的邮箱 OLD_EMAIL="jiangliheng@126.com" # 修改后的用户名 CORRECT_NAME="jiangliheng" # 修改后的邮箱 CORRECT_EMAIL="jiangliheng@163.com" if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "$OLD_EMAIL" ] then export GIT_COMMITTER_N...
$ git commit --amend --message="modify message by daodaotest" --author="jiangliheng <jiang_liheng@163.com>" $ git rebase --continue # 中间也可跳过或退出 rebase 模式 $ git rebase --skip $ git rebase --abort 批量修改历史 commit 信息 创建批量脚本changeCommit.sh: $ cat changeCommit.sh ...
git log<last_release_commit>HEAD--grep feat 可以直接从 Commit 生成 Change Log。 Change Log 是发布新版本时,用来说明与上一个版本差异的文档。规范的 Commit Message 可以使用一些工具和服务(如GitHub、GitLab)自动生成 CHANGELOG 文档。 便于代码审查。
Body 部分的格式是固定的,必须写成 This reverts commit <hash>.,其中 hash 是被撤销 commit 的 SHA 标识符。 如果当前 commit 与被撤销的 commit,在同一个发布(release)里面,那么它们都不会出现在 Change log 里面。如果两者在不同的发布,那么当前 commit,会出现在 Change log 的 Reverts 小标题下面。
To change the last commit, you can simply commitagain, using the --amend flag: $ git commit --amend -m "New and correct message" Simply put, thisoverwritesyour last commit with a new one. This also means that you're not limited to just editing the commit'smessage: you could also ...
This command will allow you to change files in your last commit or your commit message. Your old commit is replaced with a new commit that has its own ID. The following syntax is for the amend command: git commit --amend Amending a commit does not simply change a commit. It substitutes...
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h was %an, %ar, message: %s' ZITaker > log.log 5.修改某一个commit的作者和提交时间 [TortoiseGit的图形界面已经支持] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/454734/how-can-one-change-the-timestamp-of-an-old-commit-in-git ...
To prepare change notes or bump versions for a release All three of these use cases require a clean and consistent commit message style. General Commit Message Guidelines As a general rule, your messages should start with a single line that’s no more than about 50 characters and that describ...