: git-branch-check [options] [command] Options: -V, --version output the version number -h, --helpdisplayhelpforcommandCommands: include <branches> 允许在限制的分支中执行,多个分支以","符号分割 exclude <branches> 允许在排除的分支中执行,多个分支以","符号分割help[command] displayhelpforcommand...
git checkout [name] 本地切换到分支[name] git checkout remote branch 本地仓库提交新文件 git add. 添加到暂存区 git add <file> 向准备提交的仓库中添加一个文件 The git add command doesn't change the repository and the changes are not saved until we use git commit. git commit 提交修改到本...
When you execute the branch command, it (by default) uses the pointer of the current branch and create a new branch that points to the same commit as the current branch. Thebranchcommand doesn't automatically change the current branch to the new branch. Therefore, you need to use thecheck...
$ git checkout -b <branch> --track <remote>/<branch> You could omit<branch>, in which case the command degenerates to "check out the current branch", which is a glorified no-op with rather expensive side-effects to show only the tracking information, if it exists, for the current br...
git clone git@github.com:XXXXXXXX/TestGitCommand.git 然后进入到 .git 文件夹所在目录,就在 clone 出来的项目文件夹根目录 注意: .git 是隐藏文件,需要自行设置显示隐藏的文件夹 (2) 查看本地和远端的分支 输入命令 git branch -a 带* 好的是当前所在分支 main ...
checkout -- name.txt // 建立新的分支 create new branch git checkout -b new // 查看所有分支和当前分支 git branch // 切换分支 git checkout master git switch master // 整合分支到切换的分支 git merge new // 放心的删除没用的分支 git branch -d new // 查看分支图 git log --graph --...
git 常用命令 command 1.1 (对分支 branch 的操作) 分类: Git learning notes 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 呼吸之间 粉丝- 0 关注- 3 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: git 常用命令 command 1.0(本地 local repository 对远程仓库 remote repository 的操作) » 下一篇: git 常...
git branch-avv 3. 创建分支 以当前分支为起点,创建一个 dev 分支【使用前提: 当前分支已有提交记录】 代码语言:javascript 复制 git branch dev 可以使用git checkout -b创建并切换到新的分支 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 创建并切换到新分支 相当于执行下面两个命令 ...
Figure 21. Hotfix branch based onmaster You can run your tests, make sure the hotfix is what you want, and finally merge thehotfixbranch back into yourmasterbranch to deploy to production. You do this with thegit mergecommand: $ git checkout master ...
test -f ~/.git-completion.bash && . $_ .bash_profile文件在finder小房子图标下的根目录,如果找不到可能是隐藏了,使用command+shift+.切换是否显示隐藏文件。 如果还没有就新建一个。 重新打开gitbash,就可以使用git branch+Tab ,git checkout+Tab...