git branch -d hotfixes/BJVEP933 # 删除分支hotfixes/BJVEP933(本分支修改已合并到其他分支) git branch -D hotfixes/BJVEP933 # 强制删除分支hotfixes/BJVEP933 git ls-files # 列出git index包含的文件 git show-branch # 图示当前分支历史 git show-branch --all # 图示所有分支历史 git whatchanged # ...
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch push Update remote refs along with associated objects 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>' to read about a specific s...
Show the remote-tracking branches. -a --all Show both remote-tracking branches and local branches. --current With this option, the command includes the current branch in the list of revs to be shown when it is not given on the command line. ...
git 常用命令 command 1.1 (对分支 branch 的操作) 分类: Git learning notes 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 呼吸之间 粉丝- 0 关注- 3 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: git 常用命令 command 1.0(本地 local repository 对远程仓库 remote repository 的操作) » 下一篇: git 常...
66. git show [tag]:查看指定标签的详细信息。 67. git push [remote] –delete [branch]:删除远程仓库中的指定分支。 68. git commit –date=”[date]” -m “[message]”:使用指定日期创建提交。 69. git stash branch [branch] [stash]:从存储的修改创建一个新的分支。
Show the remote-tracking branches. -a --all Show both remote-tracking branches and local branches. --current With this option, the command includes the current branch in the list of revs to be shown when it is not given on the command line. ...
show 用来显示某个 commit 的具体提交信息和元信息。git showgit show <commitId>git show <branchName> shortlog 用于汇总 git 日志输出。非常人性化的一个命令。// 按照用户列出其 commit 的次数以及每次 commit 的注释git shortlog// 按照 commit 数量从多到少的顺序列出本仓库的贡献者并省略注释git shortlog...
create mode 100644$ git statusOn branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean 1. 2. 3. 4. 命令选择 -m 是你自己用来定义,提示哪些改变。 这儿创建了一个hello.py的文件,git statuts提示“clean”,也就意味着所有的修改都被Git所记录了。
To use branching and merging in Git, you first need to learn about the commands that are built into Git to create a branch. The command is branch followed with a name for the new branch.git branch <branchname>When you execute the branch command, it (by default) uses the pointer of ...
git checkout -b (create and switch branches in one command) git branch -d git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all (see all branches at once) git merge (combines changes on different branches) Handle Merge Conflicting 这篇笔记总结了非常常用的git命令(大部分来源于Udacity上课程的总结)。划...