Change user settings: "git.blame.editorDecoration.enabled": false Reload window Inline blame is still there Note that I'm also using gitlens and want to use the one from gitlens instead of this one. I like the Popup from gitlens better when hovering. Since it displays both now, I want...
This branch is367 commits ahead ofwaderyan/vscode-gitblame:master. README MIT license Git Blame Features: See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line. See Git Blame information on the last selected line in your editor. ...
Debugger for Chrome 如果你想调试 JavaScript 程序,你可以不必离开 VSCode 开发环境。 Debugger for Chrome 这款插件就可以做到这点,它由微软发布,允许你在 VSCode 中直接调试网页源文件,该插件主要利用 Chrome 所开放出来的接口来实现对其渲染的页面进行调试。 Auto Rename Tag 无论你选择哪种框架,假如当开始和结束...
vscode更新gitlab的最新代码 vscode git blame 作者丨小集 Visual Studio Code 有几组 git 命令来为您的代码存储库执行和执行多项任务。但是,如果我们希望可视化 git 历史记录,则可以使用 Don Jayamanne 的 Git History Extension。这是 Visual Studio Code 的一个出色且广泛使用的扩展,它向我们显示了提交的详细信...
4.3、VSCode中的Git VSCode自带的Git工具基本已经可以满足日常使用了,既有可视化功能,也能敲命令,习惯了不就不用安装其他GUI工具了。不过还是可以再安装一些VSCode插件,来增强Git功能。 GitLens:在团队项目开发中非常实用,必备!!!用于快速查看代码提交历史记录,在代码上会显示最近的修改信息,包括提交者,只就这一点就值...
Adds a Toggle Git CodeLens command (gitlens.toggleCodeLens) with a shortcut of shift+alt+b to toggle the CodeLens on and off Status Bar Blame # Adds a customizable Git blame annotation showing the commit and author who last modified the current line to the status bar (optional, on by ...
💡 On an active file, use theToggle File Blame,Toggle File Changes, andToggle File Heatmapcommands from the Command Palette to turn the annotations on and off. Revision Navigation With just a click of a button, you can navigate backwards and forwards through the history of any file. Compar...
可能大部分情况下,比如 vscode 其实大家更习惯于使用可视化的撤销能力,但是呢,这里我们其实也可以稍微了解下这其中的奥秘,其实也很简单: 方式一:git reset 方式二:git reset HEAD 其实一二都是一样,如果 reset 后面不跟东西就是默认 HEAD。 场景二 (撤销 git commit) 当你某个改动提交到本地仓库之后,也就是 ...
Inline and Status Bar Blame Provides historical context about line changes through unobtrusiveblame annotationat the end of the current line and on the status bar. 💡 Use theToggle Line BlameandToggle Git CodeLenscommands from the Command Palette to turn the annotations on and off. ...
1.2. 分支、查看、比对 分支 checkout/switch branch create/remove rename merge rebase 查看、比对 status diff blame log 标记 tag 1.3. 总结 git 2. VSCode VSCode 内置的 Git 工具已经足够好用,其涵盖了 Git 相关的绝大多数命令。 vscode-git