只需在 VS Code 中右键点击“Annotate with Git Blame”,你就可以轻松查看每行代码的 Git 提交记录(commitId + 时间 + bug 负责人 )。 同时,如果你已经安装了 GitLens 插件,你可以直接点击每一行的提交记录,立即跳转到 GitLens Graph,方便快捷! ✍️ 写在后面 Damn!!写完才发现 GitLens 填补了这一块...
Rewriting History with Git Rebase http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/rewriting-history-with-git-rebase--cms-231911. Rebasing for a Linear HistoryThe first use case we'll explore involv... git ide sed ios git和docker的区别 git和webpack的区别 目录一、GIT二、webpack1、webpack是什么2、webpa...
3. rabbit MQ —— ha-sync-mode. message 同步/ 丢失 in new pods 4.rabbit MQ —— ha-mode, message 同步策列:所有nodes or one nodes 5.docker network —— 网络基础 6.Kubernetes hpa 7.container scale up/ down 原理 in kubernetes 8.Docker network —— why network 9.Windows证书管...
Git blame information VS Code can show git blame information inline in the editor and in the Status Bar. Hover over the Status Bar item or inline hint to view detailed git blame information. To enable or disable git blame information, use theGit: Toggle Git Blame Editor DecorationandGit: To...
一键Blame 正在打开的文件(话说 VS17 的 Blame 功能也没好到哪儿去,还是得 TortoiseGit) 我们开始吧! 第一步:自定义外部命令 打开[工具] -> [外部命令],然后在新打开的对话框中编辑外部命令。 为了方便,我把我自己正在用的几个外部命令分享给大家: ...
GitLensis a powerfulopen-sourceextension for Visual Studio Code built and maintained by GitKraken. Enhance your workflows with powerful Git functionality like in-editor blame annotations, hovers, CodeLens, and more—all fully customizable within VS Code. Try GitLens Pro's advanced workflows that acc...
Inline blame is still there Note that I'm also using gitlens and want to use the one from gitlens instead of this one. I like the Popup from gitlens better when hovering. Since it displays both now, I want to deactivate the native one. Activity vs-code-engineeringassigned lszomoruon ...
GitLens is an extension for VS Code that helps developers get powerful data hidden in Git repos. Learn how to get Git info with GitLens+, GitLens blame, and CodeLens.
Developers around the world rely on GitLens for its integration with VS Code, enriching your IDE with Git visualizations such as inline blame annotations, the Commit Graph, and the innovative Launchpad. Start Your Free Trial Or install GitLens in VS Code to get started ...
blame: correct name of config option in docs t: fix typos in test messages git-worktree.txt: fix typo in example path help: convert git_cmd to page in one place Documentation: render special characters correctly Andrew Berry (1):