(1)命令行配置 git config--globaluser.name"username"git config--globaluser.email"email" 可将username和email换成github(或者其它类似远程仓库)的用户名和密码。 (1.1) 全局变量 --global 表示全局的,即当前用户都有效,该配置会出现在 ~/.gitconfig 文件中,~表示当前用户的目录,比如我的是:C:\Users\usern...
// 全局配置gitconfig--globaluser.name"username"gitconfig--globaluser.email"email"// 局部配置gitconfiguser.name"xxx"gitconfiguser.email"flyree@fzsw.com" 查看配置的命令: gitconfig--list 添加远程仓库: gitremoteaddgitee https://gitee.com/xxxflytreexx/xxxx.gitgitpush-u origin"master"gitremoteadd...
Shown when the user’s information is guessed from the system username and domain name, to tell the user how to set their identity configuration. mergeConflict Shown when various commands stop because of conflicts. nestedTag Shown when a user attempts to recursively tag a tag object. pushAlr...
Just supply your own name and email address, and Git commits will no longer be a problem. To verify that the git username and email address have been saved successfully, run thegit config --listcommand and look for theuser.nameanduser.emailfields in the output....
Customize how Git works and how you interact with it using the Git config command. Learn how to Git config username, Git config email, the hierarchy of the Git config commands, and more.
This option is only valid for add and update commands. These commands sometimes need to clone a remote repository. In this case, this option will be passed to thegit-clone[1]command. NOTE: Donotuse this option unless you have read the note forgit-clone[1]'s--reference,--shared, and-...
On branch main No commits yet nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track) 使用ls 命令以显示工作树的内容: Bash 复制 ls -a 确认目录包含一个名为“.git”的子目录。 (将 -a 选项与 ls 结合使用非常重要,因为 Linux 通常会隐藏以句点开头的文件和目录名称。)此文件夹为...
Usernamefor'https://github.com': xbtest Everything up-to-dateBranch master set up to track remote branch master from origin. 这时候需要 更新Windows的git凭证管理器 点击下载安装 GCMW-1.14.0.exe 下载链接 https://github.com/Microsoft/Git-Credential-Manager-for-Windows/releases/tag/v1.14.0 ...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 使用HTTPS 协议时,命令行会出现如下账号密码验证步骤。基于安全考虑,Gitee 建议配置并使用私人令牌替代登录密码进行克隆、推送等操作 Username for 'https://gitee.com': userName ...
(+)create mode100644README.mdwsx@wsx-ubuntu:~/桌面/Bioconductor_learn$ git remote add origin https://github.com/ShixiangWang/bioconductor_learn.gitwsx@wsx-ubuntu:~/桌面/Bioconductor_learn$ git push-u origin masterUsernamefor'https://github.com':ShixiangWangPasswordfor'https://ShixiangWang@...