git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 使用HTTPS 协议时,命令行会出现如下账号密码验证步骤。基于安全考虑,Gitee 建议 配置并使用私人令牌 替代登录密码进行克隆、推送等操作 Username for '': userName Password for '
$gitclone the wiki locally Once you have cloned the wiki, you can add new files, edit existing ones, and commit your changes. You and your collaborators can create branches when working on wikis, but only changes pushed to the...
UserName:user.Name, Groups:user.Groups[:], UserEmail:user.Email, UserCommonName:user.CommonName, UserSurname:user.Surname, UserGivenName:user.GivenName, ID:base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(randomBytes(32)), CreateTime:saml.TimeNow(),
Username : {userData?.username} Easy : {leetcodeData && leetcodeData?.easySolved}/ {leetcodeData && leetcodeData?.totalEasy} Medium : {leetcodeData && leetcodeData?.mediumSolved}/ {leetcodeData && leetcodeData?.totalMedium} Hard : {leetcodeData && leetcodeData?....
User:The username for Jira. Generally, this is the email ID with which you logged in to Jira. APIKey:The personal access token. You must create this key using your Atlassian account. For OAuth based Authentication, obtain the following information in Jira and then use it to fill in the ...
In search screens in SAP CRM, you sometimes run in to the fact that for some reason, you are not able to select a search option you might want to be able to select. For
Add secondary email to user via API Here is a snippet using the python-gitlab API library user_data = { "email": "", "username": "example.something, "name": "Hans Lustig", "skip_confirmation": True, "organization": "Some org", "reset_password": False, ...
This blog brings you a clear approach to replace the SAP standard Favicon with Custom Favicon for the Portal URL, there are few significant places where the custom favicon needs to be updated. Replacing SAP standard Favicon which requires OS level location and few system’s directory in Portal ...
queryGetNamespaces($limit:Int!){currentUser{idnameusernamewebUrlgroupMemberships(first:$limit){nodes{group{idnamefullNamefullPathwebUrlprojectCreationLevel}accessLevel{stringValue}}} Variables: {"limit":500} Get projects Query: queryGetRepositories($namespaceFullPath:ID!,$limit:Int!,$search:String...
(PostgreSQL 9.2) --- Gears: Located with python-2.7, cron-1.4 Connection URL: postgresql://$OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_HOST: $OPENSHIFT_POSTGRESQL_DB_PORT Database Name: insultapp Password: SLat4aTfsSt1 Username: adminm4rvN42 cron-1.4 (Cron 1.4) --- Gears: Located with python-2.7, postgresq...