Ginger share Description Ginger is the dried knobby shaped rhizome of the plantZingiber officinale. The Latin name,zingiber,derives from interpretations of the name in Indic languages where ginger was described as “shaped like a deer’s antler (horn)”. Ginger goes by many names in different ...
flavored or made with ginger, the spicy rhizome of the Zingiber officinale plant. Ginger 2 [jin-jer ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun a female given name, form ofVirginiaorRegina. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofginger1 First recorded before 1000;Middle Englishginger, gingiverefrom...
1.(Plants) another name forgalingale 2.(Plants) a zingiberaceous plant,Alpinia officinarum,of China and the East Indies 3.(Cookery) the pungent aromatic root of this plant, dried and used as a seasoning and in medicine 4.(Medicine) the pungent aromatic root of this plant, dried and used...
Ginger family definition: the plant family Zingiberaceae, characterized by tropical, often aromatic herbaceous plants having rhizomes, long sheathing leaves, and clusters of tubular flowers, and including cardamon, ginger, and turmeric.. See examples of
plantthathasgreen-purpleflowersandanaromaticunderground stem(calledarhizome).Itiscommonlyusedforcookingandmedicinal purposes. CommonName-gingerLatinName-ZingiberofficinaleWhatGingerIs UsedForGingerisusedinAsianmedicinetotreatstomach aches,nausea,anddiarrhea.Manydigestive,antinausea,andcoldandflu dietarysupplementssoldin...
a name which denoted that the spice been brought from or by way of Mecca. Marco Polo seems to have seen the ginger plant both in India and China between 1280 and 1290. John of montecorvino, a missionary friar who visited India about 1292, gives a description of the plant, and refers ...
Latin Name Zingiber officinale Part of plant used Root Appearance Brown yellow or yellow powder Product Introduction Ginger is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, consumed whole as a delicacy, medicine, or spice. It is the underground stem of the ginger plant. The ginger ...
Latin Name:Zingiber officinale Rosc.Parts Used: RootActive Ingredients:Gingerols,6-Gingerol, 6-Shogaol, 8-Gingerol, 10-GingerolSpecifications: Gingerols: 5% 10%20% by HPLCAppearance: Light Yellow Powder Ginger Extract is used for treating stomach ailments. It improves blood circulation, sti...
Latin Name:Zingiber officinale Rosc.Parts Used: RootActive Ingredients:Gingerols,6-Gingerol, 6-Shogaol, 8-Gingerol, 10-GingerolSpecifications: Gingerols: 5% 10%20% by HPLCAppearance: Light Yellow Powder Ginger Extract is used for treating stomach ailments. It improves blood circulation,...
11c., from Old Englishginȝifer, ginȝiber, from Late Latingingiber, from Latinzingiberi, from Greekzingiberis, from Prakrit (Middle Indic)singabera, from Sanskritsrngaveram, fromsrngam"horn" +vera-"body," so called from the shape of its root. But this may be Sanskrit folk etymology...