矩形选框,四种框选模式,了解一下 Repalace the current selector Add to the current selection (shift键) Subtract from the current selection (Ctrl键) Intersect with current selection (Shift+Ctrl键) 圆形选区就不想多说什么了,和上面的差不多!
Replace selection. Add to selection: multiple clippping. Subtract from selection. Intersection. Feather edges Effect of blurring the edge to avoid a jagged path. A value of 2 is usually the best. Contiguous Selected either single path around the brush or more selections based on the colors des...
(gimp-selection-grow img 3) (gimp-image-add-layer img glow-layer -1) (gimp-context-set-foreground light-color) (gimp-edit-bucket-fill glow-layer 0 0 100 0 FALSE 0 0) ; gaussian blur (gimp-selection-none img) (plug-in-gauss RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img glow-layer 45 45 0) (set! glow...
我发现这个老虎图片的头不完全用路径工具(Path Tool)选取老虎的头和脖子,转换为选区.然后使用Fuzzy Select Tool (魔术棒工具),设置模式为Add to Current Selection(添加到当前选区),阀值设为31,点击与白胡子相似的颜色,将胡子添加到选区,最后选区如图 albumin 通道蒙板 12 CTRL+C复制选区,CTRL+SHIFT+V粘贴为新...
1/选择要复制的mask,点击Layer,Mask,然后Mask to Selection 2/选择要添加mask的图层,点击菜单栏的Layer,Mask下的Add Layer Mask,在下面选择Selection,点击添加即可: 效果图如下: 这是在同一个文件下进行的复制,还可以在不同文件下进行复制操作: 1/复制Mask,点击mask所在的layer,快捷键Ctrl+C复制: ...
Right-click on the lower text layer and choose “Alpha to Selection.” When you see “marching ants” around the text, click on the upper text layer, and then click on “Edit” and “Clear.” Now that you’ve deleted the majority of black text, click on “Select” and “None” to...
Step 8:Rename the first layer to “model removed” and the second to “original.” Step 9:Then, use the lasso or free select tool and draw the lasso loosely around the model. You can add and remove from selection by selecting other options if you have made a mistake. ...
添加透明通道: Layer -> Transparency -> Add Alpha Cannel前景色设置为 #004754Ctrl+, 把前景色倒到图层上使用Text 工具,字体Franklin Gothic Heavy, 大小 87,颜色黑色,对齐方式居中, 行间距-28,打上2行字调整好文字位置hejiannn 选择有道 9 文字层 -> 右键 -> Alpha To Selection扩大选区: Select ->...
How to Cut Out an Image in GIMP Best GIMP Brushes Top 10 Best Fonts in GIMP How to Make a Logo in GIMP How to Paint in GIMP How to Select Multiple or All Layers in GIMP How to Curve Text in GIMP Best GIMP Plugins How to Deselect (Remove Selection) in GIMP ...
Now we're going to make the tail of the speech bubble to point to the interesting part of the screenshot that you annotated. Use theFree Selecttool, then underTool Options, pick 'Add to selection' instead of the default ... and click on 3 different spots (try to make the lines as ...