R语言GIMMS NDVI数据下载与合成:R语言GIMMS NDVI数据下载与合成(微信推文) 最大值合成月ndvi数据:Gimms NDVI3g 使用R进行数据下载与处理 nc转tif和月最大合成:R语言处理GIMMS NDVI3g数据 gimms官方包:Data download · Introducing the R 'gimms' package 将nc格式的数据转换成了旬尺度tif栅格,但NDVI值还存在一个...
# downloadGimms() 可以使用这个函数来下载#library("gimms","rgdal")#这个包还有些函数,可以对数据进行精度控制,这里暂时用不到。for(valuein1982:2015){fn1<-paste0("你的输入路径/ndvi3g_geo_v1_",value,"_","0106",".nc4")ndvi3g<-rasterizeGimms(x=fn1)sprintf("正在读取...%s_%s",value,"...
ndvidata = ndvidata'; % resample the data to 0.05 degree ndvi05deg=imresize(ndvidata,[3600 7200],'nearest'); ndvi05deg= double(ndvi05deg)/10000; ndvi05deg(ndvi05deg(:,:)<= 0)=NaN; if mod(i,2) == 0 ndviname = year*10000+Imonth*100+2; ndviname = num2str(ndviname); % save...
However, the consistency of vegetation phenological metrics derived from MTCI and NDVI needs to be further explored. This study compared two phenological metrics, i.e. onset of greenness (OG) and end of senescence (ES), extracted from MERIS MTCI data and Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer...
NDVI 1. On the basis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data with resolution of 1 km of NOAA/AVHRR in 1993 and NDVI data for MODIS in 2000 and 2006,the authors analyzed the NDVI spatial dynamic variations by changing intensive parameters in the source regions of the three river...
J. Tucker , A global 1 × 1 NDVI data set for climate studies derived from the GIMMS continental NDVI data , Int. J. Remote Sens. , 15 , 3493 – 3518 , 1994 .Loss SO, Justice CO, Tucker CJ (1994) A global 1° by 1° NDVI dataset for climate studies derived from the GIMMS ...
Rasterize GIMMS NDVI3g binary dataFlorian Detsch
Future climate impact on the desertification in the dry land asia using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g data. Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 3863-3877.Miao, L., Ye, P., He, B., Chen, L., Cui, X., 2015. Future climate impact on the desertification in the dry land Asia using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g data...
Evaluation of AVHRR PAL and GIMMS 10-day composite NDVI time series products using SPOT-4 vegetation data for the African continent. Int. J. Remote Sens. 27, 2719-2733.Fensholt, R.; Nielsen, T.T.; Stisen, S. Evaluation of AVHRR pal and gimms 10-day composite NDVI time series products...
Spatial pattern of temporal trend of crop phenology matrices over India using timeseries gimms NDVI data (1982-2006)doi:10.5194/isprsarchives-XXXVIII-8-W20-113-2011Abhishek ChakrabortyPrabir DasMullapudi SeshasaiGandharba Behera