Giants are a race of humanoids that vastly overshadow the other known races of the world in size. The most commonly known giants are those from the island of Elbaph. There are also different tribes of giants such as the Ancient Giants[4] and the unknown
Over the centuries, many giant human fossils have been unearthed that scientists can no longer speak of singularities. But prestigious institutions such as theSmithsonian Institute, are strongly suspected of having destroyed the embarassing evidence … An impressive list of giants listed in the US can...
It’s one thing when the secular world promotes these theories as science fiction entertainment, but perhaps a greater concern when they are being presented as truth by some in the Christian community. Throughout human history there has only been two super human beings; Adam before his fall fro...
" You already know the answer. Your doctor will say, "Four or five smaller meals." Because dogs are not built as well as human beings, it is actually much more important for a dog to eat five or more meals each day than it is for a human." (5) Feed your dog onlyall naturalGent...
In the Book of Genesis verses 1-4, it states quite clearly that “When human beings began to increase in number on the Earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.” ...
All the indications seem to suggest that those beings, whoever or whatever they were, were indeed very tall. (I am not of course attempting to suggest that all of the big or tall beings mentioned in the Old Testament were of one single species and were all "Goodies", for the evidence ...
that keeps the truth hidden. This education has been so deeply ingrained in almost every educated human being, so that responses and views are like thick sunglasses that prevent seeing in a dimly lit room. It is only by removing those glasses that one can see what’s real, and in the pr...
though they do appear in early myths. They are sometimes represented as human except for a squashed-down aspect and very long hair. Tolkien’s trolls are definitely non-human in being turned permanently to stone if caught out after sunrise. Most civilizations have mythical beings of some type...
Think about this: The skeletal remains of individuals up to feet in height not only means that giants were big. It also means that they were likely smarter than human beings. With skulls (of which there are examples from South America and elsewhere) with three to six times the cranial mass...
So they were married. Their child was born deformed, and the father cut him up and tossed the pieces about in rage. From those pieces arose human beings, men and women, to start the race anew. [Source] Many More Flood Stories