When young farmhand Jack (Nicholas Hoult) unwittingly opens a portal between his realm and a race of giants, it rekindles an ancient war. Roaming Earth for the first time in centuries, the fearsome giants seek to reclaim the land they lost long ago. Jack has to face an army of foes...
Meet the kitty that’s become a real show-stealer thanks to her unique two-colored face. ‘Cat,’ aka Wendy, lives in Thailand with her human, Eve, and since the start of her own Instagram page, she’s become the talk-of-the-town due to her double-colored face. Read More 16 Fun...
La Víbria - the female dragon El Drac – the dragon La Tarasca – fantasy creature Els Cavallets Cotoners – the cotton horses Bestiari Historic de Barcelona More about Catalan traditions Pictures Gegants giants Pictures Castellers human tower builders ...
Then one day, walking by two huge buildings, Bazil recognizes the logos of the weapons manufacturers that caused all of his misfortune. He sets out to take revenge, with the help of his faithful gang of wacky friends. Underdogs battling heartless industrial giants, our gang relive the battle ...
The ship arrived at the Mariana area Monday and started testing temperature, salinity and depth for Tuesday's dive in the Mariana Trench, the first of the expedition's third stage. Real Madrid to announce signing of Brazilian teenager: report Real Madrid will this week finalize their 45-million...
Ceratopsiansare often described with reference to lateCretaceousgiants likeTriceratopsandStyracosaurus, but the fact is that these herbivores existed (in less impressive form) as far back as the lateJurassicperiod. Chaoyangsaurus is one of the earliest ceratopsians yet known, predating the previous...
There are three stops, which are the Tower of Sant Sebastià on the Sant Sebastià beach on Barceloneta, the Jaume I Tower at the World Trade Center and the Miramar esplanade on Montjuïc hill in front of the Miramar hotel.Barcelona port cable carMontjuic cable car The San Sebastià cable ...
Straining the limits of machine and man Laughing out loud with fear and hope I've got a desperate plan At the one-lane bridge I leave the giants stranded at the riverside Race back to the farm To dream with my uncle at the fireside 3. YYZ (Instrumental) 4. LIMELIGHT Living on ...
life at age 29. Other music giants, he adds, suffered similar fates. "Hank crashed before (doomed jazzman) Charlie Parker. There were some old blues guys (who died similarly), but not somebody at the lofty peak Hank was at, no one in that spot had gone down with that kind of ...
There is certainly one wish, that comes now and then like a night-mare, which rides on my good-humour, and that is to be a theatrical manager for a living company–a company of real men and women.’ “‘You wish to have your puppets animated; you would have them become real actors...