All of the objects have the 3dmigoto custom properties, either by merging with an object that was originally imported using the plugin or by using the custom property transfer script ( UV m...
Tools and instructions for importing custom models into a certain anime game - GI-Model-Importer/3dmigoto GIMI (for playing mods).zip at main · SilentNightSound/GI-Model-Importer
Asset files that can be used with the GI-Model-Importer for a certain anime game - GI-Model-Importer-Assets/ at main · CrimCrimCrimge/GI-Model-Importer-Assets
Tools and instructions for importing custom models into a certain anime game - GI-Model-Importer/Guides/ at main · SilentNightSound/GI-Model-Importer
Tools and instructions for importing custom models into a certain anime game - GI-Model-Importer/Guides/ at main · SilentNightSound/GI-Model-Importer