The 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12): translation and validation study of the Iranian version. Background: The objective of this study was to translate and to test the reliability and validity of the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in I... Montazeri,Ali,Harirchi,...
Reliability was done using Cronbach's alpha and Validity and cut-off value were done by plotting a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. Results: The Cronbach's alpha for the Arabic version of the GHQ-12 is 0.726. For the total sample, a cut-off at 4\\5 provided s...
The purpose of the present study was to obtain validity and reliability of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). Seventy five college students participate in the validity study, and another 95 college students took part in the relia... MR Taghavi - 《Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary ...
nleGHQ-28hasgoodreliabilityandvaliditywhenitmeasuresthegeneralmenml healthofcollegestudents. Keywords:Collegestudents;Thegeneralhealthquestionnaire;Reliability;Validity 近年来,随着考研、就业等压力的增大,大学生 心理健康问题已引起社会各界的广泛关注。但目前 ...
【Key Words】 U niv ersity student;M ental health questionnaire(G HQ-20);Ho mogeneity reliability;Test-retest relia bili-ty;Construct v alidity;Criterio n-related v alidity 近年来,随着就业、考研等压力的增大,大学生心理健康成为各高校普遍关注的问题。心理健康是大学生顺利完成学业,适应社会需要...
The validity of the CIDI 3.0 in assessing anxiety, mood and substance use disorders is generally good, as compared with clinical interviews [34]. Earlier CIDI versions also assess disorders with generally acceptable reliability and validity, with the exception of psychosis [35, 36]. We included ...
Universitystudent;Mentalhealthquestionnaire(GHQ一20);Homogeneityreliability;Test-retestreliabili- ty;Constructvalidity;Criterion-relatedvalidity 近年来,随着就业、考研等压力的增大,大学生心理健 自饮食、睡眠等方面。量表的主要目的是用于评定一个人是 康成为各高校普遍关注的问题。心理健康是大学生顺利完 ...
Objective To establish the reliability and validity of GDS 15 and GHQ 12 when applied to the old people aged 70 or above. Methods Questionnaire survey and face to face interview were conducted. Results Both GDS 15 and GHQ 12 were of satisfactory reliability (Cronbach α=0.82 and 0.75 respectiv...
Reliability, Validity and Factor Structure of the Persian Translation of General Health Questionnire (GHQ-28) in Hospitals of Kerman University of Medical SciencesHamidreza Mokarami
Reliability, validity and factor structure of the GHQ-28 used among elderly Iranians. Int Psychogeriatr. 2007; 19 (4):623–634.Malakouti SK, Fatollahi P, Mirabzadeh A, Zandi T (2007) Reliability, validity and factor structure of the GHQ-28 used among elderly Iranians. Int Psychogeriatr...