(Goldberg & Williams, 1988). The 12-Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) is the most extensively used screening instrument mon mental disorders, in addition to being a more general measure of psychiatric well-being. Its brevity makes it attractive for use in busy clinical settings, as ...
Universitystudent;Mentalhealthquestionnaire(GHQ一20);Homogeneityreliability;Test-retestreliabili- ty;Constructvalidity;Criterion-relatedvalidity 近年来,随着就业、考研等压力的增大,大学生心理健 自饮食、睡眠等方面。量表的主要目的是用于评定一个人是 康成为各高校普遍关注的问题。心理健康是大学生顺利完 ...
Keywords:Collegestudents;Thegeneralhealthquestionnaire;Reliability;Validity 近年来,随着考研、就业等压力的增大,大学生 心理健康问题已引起社会各界的广泛关注。但目前 就如何测量与评价大学生的心理健康还存有争议, 如SCL·90题目和选项较多,遗漏和答串题目的情 ...
Application of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) in Criminal Mental Health Ccreening Yang Ji Zhao Zhengwei Jinshi Prison, Changde Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the mental health status of prisoners in a prison by general health questionnaire (GHQ-12) and analyze the influencing factors....
【Key Words】 U niv ersity student;M ental health questionnaire(G HQ-20);Ho mogeneity reliability;Test-retest relia bili-ty;Construct v alidity;Criterio n-related v alidity 近年来,随着就业、考研等压力的增大,大学生心理健康成为各高校普遍关注的问题。心理健康是大学生顺利完成学业,适应社会需要...