We Specialize in Bhut Jolokia Pods, Bhut Jolokia Powder, Bhut Jolokia Pepper, Bhut Jolokia Flakes, Crushed Bhut Jolokia, & Ghost Pepper Powder Online. We Specialize in Bhut Jolokia Powder For Sale Online for you to Buy,Bhut Jolokia Pods,Bhut Jolokia Pe
No, the heat of the Ghost Pepper Fire Dust doesn't overwhelm the sweet flavors. But, you're certainly not going to confuse it with a Pixy Stix. Bottom line: Ghost Pepper Fire Dust is the spicy equivalent of a Pixy Stix. It's good, it's spicy, and you won't regret giving it a...
For many years following the development of the Scoville scale, a measure of chili intensity in Scoville heat units (SHU), the orange habanero was considered to be the hottest pepper in the world, ranging from 100,000 to 350,000 SHU. By comparison, a green bell pepper measures 0 SHU, wh...
The ghost pepper is one of the hottest chili peppers in the world, with an average of about 1 million Scoville Heat Units. It is a cultivar of Capsicum chinense, and it is also called bhut jolokia. The ghost pepper fruit, which can be up to 8 cm (3 inche