According to the Scoville scale (the definitive rating system in the spice world), the Carolina Reaper Pepper is around 220x hotter than a jalapeño. And this isn’t just a snack sprinkled with spice; this is the straight-up pepper in all its evil glory. So slice off a sliver to expe...
What pepper is hotter than a Carolina Reaper? While the Carolina Reaper is still ranked #1 by Guinness, there have been recent reports of aDragon’s Breath Peppertesting in at 2,483,584 SHU. Is the Carolina Reaper Natural? Yes and no. This pepper wasn’t discovered in remote parts of ...
EXTREME Carolina Reaper heat (220x hotter than a jalapeño). Frequently Asked Questions Question: How does this compare to Ghost Pepper Beef Jerky? Answer: We found Carolina Reaper Beef Jerky to be quite a bit spicier than the Ghost Pepper version. Although spice perception is subjective, keep...
Even if the Dragon’s Breath Scoville rating were to be confirmed, it still might not be at the top since Pepper X’s Scoville rating — also unconfirmed — is even higher, at 3.18 million SHU. Why unconfirmed when they could be hotter than a Reaper? The Dragon’s Breath line, like ...