Ghost Bamboo Block Ghost Dirth Path Ghost Stripped Bamboo Block Stripping logs, stems, woods, and hyphaes now trigger a sound effect and will decrease the durability of the axe used. Downloads Ghost Block Addon.mcaddon (213.33 KB) Supported Minecraft versions 1.20.80 1.20.70 You may also lik...
If you are updating from previous forge versions, you will probably findthis linkandthis linkvery helpful. For better or for worse, MCP decided to rename a very large number of classes (eg all Blocks Blockxxx --> xxxxBlock, etc) so this might save you a stack of time. If you use In...
RenderTypeLookup manually sets the render type for each block now 2. In other places of reference I've looked at, such as GirafiStudios' Waddles mod ( and McJty's example...