AKG c426, AKG414 XLS/ST, AKG ck61, ck22, >nBob colettes >PFA > V3, SD MixPre > TCM-Mod Tascam HDP2, Sony M10Little Bear tube Pre >Outlaw Audio 2200 Monoblocks > VR-2'sThelonius Site Supporter Trade Count: (2) Taperssection Regular Posts: 118 Re: What's your DAP? « ...
Mod save data is now stored separately in a "data" folder, meaning that updating or unsubscribing from a mod will no longer cause its save data to be wiped. The name of the subfolder used to store save data is determined by the "directory" property in metadata.xml. Added a loading scr...
◆Okay, now we understand it as a bug that is activated by deactivating "Passive Mode". Once you are in "Passive Mode" for the first time, it will run as normal, as it should, but once you deactivate it, FOR ANY REASON, it becomes bugged. Now the way this bug works is odd but ...
Six 'C' pieces and six 1x2x3 blocks can be packed into the box in two different ways so that the lid closes. Exchanged at IPP39 by Allard Walker A very kind gift - Thanks, Allard! Two keychain puzzle finds, both from the series of 40 Kun issued by Kabaya Leaf of Japan: a ...
most searched hacks online, Wallhack enables a player to gain various advantages over other players during the game. For example, the player can see every player whether they are real or a ghost. In addition, this tool also enables the player to move through walls or blocks during the game...
Each of the delves was based on classic1st editionadventure module (what I always called a “mod,” which has strangely generated some grief on the internet). Why did I based them on1emods? Because I’m old. The mods were based on B2:The Keep on the Borderlands(easy), C2:The Ghost...
Your life is organized like an orbit. I know. 了解了这点,就知道为何四年于相隔千里的我们,似乎只是弹指一挥间而已。 我其实了解小女儿的心理,是希望多一点surprise多一点romantic多一点傻里吧唧的指天划地的。可惜我这方面的才能似乎多用在0,1组成的无机世界里了,于是只能委屈她了。大多数的时间,她就一...
The Mod Squad Moonlight & Valentino Mother! The Motorcycle Diaries Mr. Baseball My Beautiful Laundrette Night Falls on Manhattan Open Water The Out-of-Towners The Package Pulse The Recruit Reign of Fire Rescue Dawn Rings Role Models Role Models Unrated ...
PSUs, CPU blocks, GPU blocks, fittings, etc are already in your current build after all. The larger system would have better cooling, but whether it's meaningfully better ... not likely. Look at something like Optimum Tech's recent 5950x+3080 build with a single 280mm rad. Perfectly ...
2) NOT looking for a particular domain: Google needs a feature that BLOCKS returns for a particular domain (yes, even if it’s a google sponsor). The other day I was looking for a car part and I got 50-ZILLION returns for rockauto.com (none of which was what I wanted) and ‘ tru...