2018年MEPC第72届会议通过了《IMO船舶温室气体减排初步战略》(InitialIMOStrategyonReductionofGHGEmissionsfromShips),这是IMO第一次系统性地阐述其针对国际航运业推进温室气体减排的总体规划。 IMO第80次海洋环境保护委员会会议(MEPC80)通过了《2023年IMO船舶温室气体(GHG)减排战略》(MEPC.377(80)),设定了新目标:...
范围1(Scope 1):the emissions from owned or operated assets(自己企业和资产直接产生的碳排放), 指企业直接拥有和控制的温室气体排放,如工厂烟囱的排放。 范围2(Scope 2):the emissions from purchased energy(自己企业购买的能源所间接产生的碳排放), 指企业间接与能源生产和供应相关的温室气体排放,如购买的电力...
Scope 1:the emissions from owned or operated assets(自己企业和资产直接产生的碳排放) Scope 2:the emissions from purchased energy(自己企业购买的能源所间接产生的碳排放) Scope 3:he emissions from everything else (suppliers, distributors, product use, etc.) (其他所有的间接产生的碳排放) Scope 3一般...
Energy efficiency improvement (EEI), namely reducing the national energy intensity, is a very important energy conservation and carbon emission reduction index for China. China has adopted measures to improve energy efficiency and achieve the objectives of the 11th Five Year Plan. (The central ...
Global CO₂ emissions per capita 2023, by region Greenhouse gas emissions in Poland 1990-2022 Greenhouse gas emissions per capita Philippines 2012-2022 Major OECD countries based on CO2 emissions from energy use 2013 Major OECD countries by per capita CO2 emissions from energy use 2013 Greenhouse...
Energy system GHG Emissions Renewable energy and energy efficiency NDC LEAP model Thailand 1. Introduction Climate change occurs due to increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere. The main sources of emissions come from human activities such as combustion of coal, oil and na...
This paper calculates the total energy and GHG footprints of wastewater infrastructure, including the energy consumption of, and GHG emissions from, the transport and treatment of wastewater, taking Delhi as a case study. The net energy consumed by wastewater infrastructure was conservatively estimated ...
to review with the aim of strengthening the energy efficiency design requirements for ships; 1. 通过进一步提高新船舶的能源效率,降低船舶的碳强度 审查以加强对船舶能效设计的要求; 2. carbon intensity of international shipping to decline to reduce CO2 emissions per transport work, as an average across...
8.5 利用汽電共生產生能源之排放(Emissions from energy production using CHP) 當汽電共生產生之能源輸出至較大型系統時(例如輸出電力至國家電網),則因輸出能源而被免除之溫室氣體排放應按照8.1.1進行評估(意即因電力共同產生所造成之被免除排放量,得以電網電力之平均溫室氣體排放強度計算)。當汽電共生系統產生之部分或...
South Africa is a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and as such is required to report on Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Energy, Transport, Waste and the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sectors every two years in national...