During this period, GHG emissions from annual electricity consumption ranged between 27.0 and 34.1 million tons (MT) and the emission factor ranged between 702 and 792 g CO2-eq/kWh. Hong Kong's gross domestic product (GDP) increased steadily from USD 176 billion in 2002 to USD 297 billion ...
This study presents the results of a life cycle assessment of energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity generation by small hydroelectric projects for understanding the characteristics of these systems from the perspective of global warming. Two types of hydropower schemes, viz....
Our main source of GHG emissions is from electricity generation. Therefore, in 2020, we set short-, mid-, and long-term targets for "renewable energy consumption as a percentage of annual electricity consumption." By 2023, the renewable energy consumption at our Taiwan and China manufacturing pl...
This would require the definition of typical parameters for each technology, for example a typical capacity factor for wind power. Such generic data would be useful in documenting GHG emissions from electricity generation for electricity trading purposes. 展开 ...
China accounted for 30 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2023, making it the world's largest emitter by far. The United States and India followed. Combined, these three countries were responsible for roughly half of the 53 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtC...
对于金融企业,倾向于做大范围3排放(玩碳金融),所以Accounting for emissions from investments就十分重要。 5.6 Applicability of downstream scope 3 categories to final and intermediate products Use of sold products有操作空间,企业可选择有利于自己的核算方式。
Continued growth and the privatisation of Brazil''s electricity system, which is largely based upon hydropower, is projected to lead to big expansion mainly of natural gas but also coal power stations with a resulting huge growth in greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions unless steps are taken to avoi...
The final stage of end use is electricity generation. An emission factor for electricity generation for China and Australia has been used to calculate emissions from electricity generation after LNG export. First we estimate how many kilowatt hours of electricity are generated from 1 m3 of gas....
Scope2emissionsareindirectGHG emissionsfromconsumption of purchased electricity, heat and steam as wellasGHG emissionsfromthe generation and transportation [...] swirepacific.com swirepacific.com 2 指消耗所購電力、熱力及蒸汽時產生的間接溫 室氣體排放,以及在香港生產煤氣並從生產廠房運輸到用戶 處所產生的...
Market-Based Method:Reflects emissions from electricity that companies have purposefully chosen. It inventories emissions via contractual instruments, which include any type of contract between two parties for the sale and purchase of energy bundled with attributes about the energy ...