# Remove legend for a particular aesthetic (fill) bp + guides(fill=FALSE) # It can also be done when specifying the scale bp + scale_fill_discrete(guide=FALSE) # This removes all legends bp + theme(legend.position="none") Changing the order of items in the legend This changes the ...
# Reverse the legend order p + guides(fill=guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) 三、常见问题 报错:could not find function “unit” 解决办法:library(grid) 参考资料: 图例变更参考资料:https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2/wiki/Legend-Attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11714951/remove-extra-legends-...
图例(Legend)是用于显示多个图层的标识符和对应的含义的组件。在数据可视化中,图例通常用于解释图表中不同颜色、形状或大小的图层所代表的含义。 图例的分类: 1. 分类图例(Categorical...
书名是:ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis 作者:Hadley Wickham This is the online version of work-in-progress 3rd edition of “ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis” 虽然这本书有对应的中文译本,但是时间上相对滞后,建议直接看这个在线实时更新版本。 Getting started 1 Introduction 2 Get...
The desired number of column of legends. 图例的列数 byrow logical. If FALSE (the default) the legend-matrix is filled by columns, otherwise the legend-matrix is filled by rows. 符合逻辑的。如果FALSE(默认)是图例按列填充,否则按行填充。
Guides: axes and legends Facetting Facetting: labels Coordinate systems Themes Programming with ggplot2 Extending ggplot2 Vector helpers Data Autoplot and fortify 读这个知识点参考卡片,可以检验你ggplot2语法的记忆程度。 sthda网站的ggplot核心图表示例 ...
aesin order to get the legend being displayed. However, a better way to get aggplotis to merge your two values "Time" and "Timesec" into a single dataframe and reshape your dataframe into a longer format. Here, to illustrate this, I created this dummy dataframe: ...
# Keep the shpae of the Tibetan Plateau tp_rst <- mask(bg_rst, tp_ext) 为了便于定位,我们还将在图片上绘制地标名称city_ls,以及采样点位置及其类型hbt_coord。 PS.可以根据自己的实际情况确定数据的存储类型,这里因为个人项目的实际情况,数据并没有保存成为常见的 data.freame 或者 tibble 之类的类表格...
customize legends using scale functions # how to change order of legend?# Set legend title and labelsp+ scale_color_discrete(name ="Numbers of eruptions change", labels = c("F","T")) customize legend guide_colorbar(): continuous colors ...
ggplot2 plt<-ggplot(data=data,aes(x=X,y=Y,shape=Period,color=Level))+geom_point(alpha=0.6,size=3)+labs(x=" ",y="Value")+scale_y_continuous(labels=number_format(accuracy=0.1))+guides(color=guide_legend(title="Level",order=1),shape=guide_legend(title="Period",order=2...