1、边界散点图(Scatterplot With Encircling) 2、边缘箱图/直方图(Marginal Histogram / Boxplot) ...
library(ggblanket)library(palmerpenguins)penguins |> gg_histogram(x = body_mass_g, col = species)使用ggblanket创建的直方图。结果仍然是一个ggplot对象,这意味着您可以通过使用传统的ggplot2代码添加层来继续定制它。ggblanket由David Hodge编写,可在CRAN上下载。其他几个包也尝试简化ggplot2并更改其默认值...
gg_histogram(x = body_mass_g, col = species) Sharon Machlis Histogram created with ggblanket. The result is still a ggplot object, which means you can continue customizing it by adding layers with conventional ggplot2 code. ggblanket is by David Hodge and is available on CRAN. Several othe...
AI代码解释 data(singer,package='lattice')library(ggplot2)ggplot(data=singer,aes(x=height))+geom_histogram()+facet_wrap(~voice.part,nrow=4)ggplot(data=singer,aes(x=height))+geom_density()+facet_grid(voice.part~.,nrow=4)data(Salaries,package='car')library(ggplot2)ggplot(Salaries,aes(x=yr...
1 Histogram using plotnine A histogram is the most commonly used graph to show frequency distributions. It lets us discover and show the underlying frequency distribution of a set of numerical data. To construct a histogram from numerical data, we first need to split the data into intervals, ca...
ggplot2.histogram function is from easyGgplot2 R package. An R script is available in the next section to install the package. At the end of this tutorial you will be able to draw, with few R code, the following plot: ggplot2.histogram function is described in detail at the end of ...
Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 但我得到了这张图表 显然,这是不正确的。 我怎样才能得到正确的,像这样: 谢谢! Mau*_*ers1 我会预先计算cumsum每组每个箱的值,然后用于geom_histogram绘图。 mydata%>% mutate(x = cut(x, breaks =1:10, labels = F)) %>%# Bin xcount(gender, x) %>...
ggplot(midwest,aes(percbelowpoverty))+geom_histogram(binwidth=1)+ylab('Counties')ggplot(midwest,aes(percbelowpoverty))+geom_histogram(aes(weight=poptotal),binwidth=1)+ylab('Populations') 可以看出引入人口变量之后,贫困率整体发生了变化 🌴6.3 数据分布图 ...
geom_histogram()和geom_freqpoly():绘制直方图来描述数据的分布情况 geom_bar():绘制分类型变量的分布情况 geom_path() 和 geom_line():path()可以画出图形的轨迹,可以从右到左也可以从左到右,line()函数一班是绘制图形从左到右✏️1.4.1 在图形上增加一个平滑曲线当...
{r}Copy code ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x = mpg)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 2, color = "white", fill = "#619CFF") + labs(title = "汽车MPG分布直方图", x = "MPG", y = "计数") 在上面的代码中,我们使用aes()函数将mpg变量映射到x轴,并使用geom_histogram()函数创建直方图。我们还...