axes = "all_y") + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = dup_axis(name = NULL)) + theme...
类别分块 p = ggplot(data = test, mapping = aes(x = 总点击数, y = 评论数)) + geom_point() p + scale_y_log10() + stat_smooth() + theme(text = element_text(family = "STKaiti")) + facet_grid( ~ 小说类别) ## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ ...
(label=p_label, color=label_color), size=3.5, vjust=0.76) + ## 添加不同分组 facet_grid(Taxa~., space="free", scales="free") + scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0,0)) + scale_y_discrete(expand=c(0,0)) + scale_fill_gradient2(low = brewer.pal(11, 'RdBu')[11], high = brewer....
# Reverse each strings in a character vectorreverse<-function(strings){strings<-strsplit(strings,"")vapply(strings,function(x){paste(rev(x),collapse="")},FUN.VALUE=character(1))}sp+facet_grid(.~sex,labeller=labeller(sex=reverse)) Free scales Normally, the axis scales on each graph arefi...
bp + facet_grid(dose ~ supp, scales='free') As you can see in the above plot, y axis have different scales in the different panels. Facet labels The argument labeller can be used to control the labels of the panels : bp + facet_grid(dose ~ supp, labeller=label_both) The appearance...
ggplot(econdatalong, aes(x=Country, y=value))+ geom_bar(stat='identity', fill="forest green")+ facet_wrap(~measure, scales="free_y", ncol=1, labeller= variable_labeller) Powered By This is much better. Each facet now has its own independent y-axis. Using Facets to Create Subdivisi...
axis-secondary.R backports.R bench.R bin.R compat-plyr.R coord-.R coord-cartesian-.R coord-fixed.R coord-flip.R coord-map.R coord-munch.R coord-polar.R coord-quickmap.R coord-radial.R coord-sf.R coord-transform.R data.R docs_layer.R facet-.R facet-grid-.R facet-null.R facet-...
# 分面:汽车排量和每加仑高速里程ggplot(data=mpg)+geom_point(mapping=aes(x=displ,y=hwy))+facet_wrap(~class,nrow=2) image.png To facet your plot on the combination oftwo variables, addfacet_grid()to your plot call. The first argument offacet_grid()is also a formula. This time the fo...
ref:r - How do you specifically order ggplot2 x axis instead of alphabetical order? - Stack Overflow 更改facet分面标签文本及顺序 facet_grid(~factor(team, levels=c('C', 'D', 'A', 'B')),## 更改标签顺序 labeller = as_labeller(c(A='new1', B='new2', C='new3', D='new4')...