barwidth = NULL, barheight = NULL, nbin = 20, raster = TRUE, ticks = TRUE, draw.ulim = TRUE, draw.llim = TRUE, direction = NULL, default.unit = "line", reverse = FALSE, order = 0, ...) { if (!is.null(barwidth) && !is.unit(barwidth)) barwidth <- unit(barwidth, def...
例如: base<-ggplot(economics,aes(date,psavert,color="savings"))base+geom_line()base+geom_line(key_glyph="timeseries") image.png 更准确地说,每个几何对象都有一个函数相关联,例如draw_key_path(),draw_key_boxplot()或者draw_key_path()在创建图例时负责绘制键。您可以直接传递所需的关键绘图函数:...
"none": don't draw it. c(x, y):c(0, 0)means the bottom-left andc(1, 1)means the top-right. Let's revisit the recession period line plot (assigned toplt_prop_unemployed_over_time). # View the default plot plt_prop_unemployed_over_time ...
在之前的绘图中,图例的样式一般默认与几何类型一致,即点图的图例就是点,线图的图例就是线,柱状图的图例就是色块,但是,这个图例符号也可以通过设定key_glyph 参数进行修改,或通过draw_key_*函数定义图例符号。 ls("package:ggplot2", pattern="^draw_key_.+") ...
Normally, if you add a line, it will appear in all facets. # Facet, based on condspf<-sp+facet_grid(.~cond)spf# Draw a horizontal line in all of the facets at the same valuespf+geom_hline(aes(yintercept=10)) If you want the different lines to appear in the different facets, ...
geom_line(data=pred) sp + annotate("text", label="r^2=0.42", x=16.5, y=52) 图上加注释有两种方式:annoate和geom_text() p <- ggplot(faithful, aes(x=eruptions, y=waiting)) + geom_point() p + annotate("text", x=3, y=48, label="Group 1") + ...
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