跟着Plos Biology学作图:R语言ggplot2双Y轴折线图、置信区间、误差线
axes = "all_y") + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = dup_axis(name = NULL)) + theme...
ggmosaic was designed to create visualizations of categorical data and is capable of producing bar charts, stacked bar charts, mosaic plots, and double decker plots. Installation You can install ggmosaic from github with: #install.packages("devtools")devtools::install_github("haleyjeppson/ggmosaic"...
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20), axis.line =element_line(size = 1), st...
the other to add sample size of each group on the X axis Add individual observation See how low group C sample size actually is?
Furthermore, note that the y-axis is not representing the values shown on the line properly. Let’s fix this! Example 2: Add Secondary Y-Axis to ggplot2 Plot This example shows how toadd a second y-axisto our plot, which represents the values of the line that we have annotated in ...
ggplot2家族包汇总-120+ ggplot2现在已经成为R绘图可视化的主要包,现在将目前大部分基于ggplot2开发的R包汇总如下:
将数据输入到ggplot()函数中, 并指定参与作图的每个变量分别映射到哪些图形特性, 比如映射为x坐标、y坐标、颜色、形状等。 这些映射称为aesthetic mappings或aesthetics。 选择一个合适的图形类型, 函数名以geom_开头, 如geom_point()表示散点图。 图形类型简称为geom。 将ggplot()部分与geom_xxx()部分用加号连接...