bp + scale_x_discrete(name="") + scale_y_continuous(name="Weight (Kg)") 1. 2. 3. 改变字体和旋转 刻度标签 element_text 能够设置文本的格式 # Change font options: # X-axis label: bold, red, and 20 points # X-axis tick marks: rotate 90 degrees CCW, move to the ...
library(ggplot2)# Base Plot 基础绘图gg<-ggplot(midwest,aes(x=area,y=poptotal))+geom_point(aes(col=state,size=popdensity))+geom_smooth(method="loess",se=F)+xlim(c(0,0.1))+ylim(c(0,500000))+labs(title="Area Vs Population",y="Population",x="Area",caption="Source: midwest")library...
Change the order of items The argument limits is used to change the order of the items : # default plot p # Change the order of items # Change the x axis name p + scale_x_discrete(name ="Dose (mg)", limits=c("2","1","0.5")) Change tick mark labels The name of tick mark...
shape="cyl"#Change point shape by groups cyl)+stat_cor(aes(color=cyl),label.x=3)#Add correlation coefficientsp 图形排列 多幅图形排列于一面 ggpubr::ggarrange() ggarrange(bxp, dp, bp+rremove("x.text"), labels = c("A", "B", "C"), ncol = 2, nrow = 2) ...
改变x和y轴范围 # set the intercept of x and y axis at (0,0)sp + expand_limits(x=0, y=0)# change the axis limitssp + expand_limits(x=c(0,30), y=c(0, 150)) img img 使用scale_xx()函数 也可以使用函数scale_x_continuous()和scale_y_continuous()分别改变x和y轴的刻度范围。 t...
改变x和y轴范围 代码语言:javascript 复制 #setthe interceptofx and y axisat(0,0)sp+expand_limits(x=0,y=0)# change the axis limits sp+expand_limits(x=c(0,30),y=c(0,150)) 使用scale_xx()函数 也可以使用函数scale_x_continuous()和scale_y_continuous()分别改变x和y轴的刻度范围。t ...
更改x轴分类标签的名称 更改x轴分类标签的顺序 ref:r - How do you specifically order ggplot2 x axis instead of...
改变x和y轴范围 # set the intercept of x and y axis at (0,0)sp+expand_limits(x=0,y=0)# change the axis limitssp+expand_limits(x=c(0,30),y=c(0,150)) img img 使用scale_xx()函数 也可以使用函数scale_x_continuous()和scale_y_continuous()分别改变x和y轴的刻度范围。 t ...