# X-axis label: bold, red, and 20 points # X-axis tick marks: rotate 90 degrees CCW, move to the left a bit (using vjust, # since the labels are rotated), and 16 points bp + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", colour="#990000", size=20), axis.text.x = eleme...
ggtitle(“New main title”): 添加主标题 xlab(“New X axis label”): 修改x轴标签 ylab(“New Y axis label”): 修改y轴标签 labs(title = “New main title”, x = “New X axis label”, y = “New Y axis label”): 可同时添加主标题以及坐标轴标签,另外,图例标题也可以用此函数修改 修改...
3.X 轴标签显示不全我把官方的示例代码拷贝到本地,把 X 轴的标签替换成自己数据对应的标签,是日期格式,数量是十个。...4.解决办法我们在官方包中找到了用于描述轴标签的一个类型 type AxisLabel ,其中有个属性 Interval 的注释中说了如何显示所有的的轴标签。...这下
xlab(“New X axis label”): 修改x轴标签 ylab(“New Y axis label”): 修改y轴标签 labs(title = “New main title”, x = “New X axis label”, y = “New Y axis label”): 可同时添加主标题以及坐标轴标签,另外,图例标题也可以用此函数修改 修改主标题以及标签 (p <- p+labs(title="Plo...
theme函数用于设置图形主题,其中axis.ticks*参数家族用于设置坐标轴刻度外观,axis.line*用于这只坐标轴主线外观,它俩的参数类型都是element_line()类型。 #函数element_line()中用于设置线条外观的参数和说明colour,color:线条的颜色 size:线条的大小,即粗细 ...
# Add text, change colors by groups sp + geom_text(aes(label = rownames(df), color = cyl), size = 3, vjust = -1) mark # Add text at a particular coordinate sp + geom_text(x = 3, y = 30, label = "Scatter plot",
凡是修改坐标轴的属性,可以用theme(axis.text.x=theme_text(X轴属性),asix.text.y=theme_text(Y轴属性)) theme_text()是存储文字属性的函数,其内置属性如下: 4.hjust与vjust用法 family:字体 face:粗体、斜体等 size:字体大小 angle:倾斜角度 color:颜色 ...
label: the title of the respective axis (for xlab() or ylab()) or of the plot (for ggtitle()). Add titles and axis labels In this section, we’ll use the function labs() to change the main title, the subtitle, the axis labels and captions. It’s also possible to use the functi...
(axis='x',labelsize=11,bottom=False,labelrotation=15) #自定义x坐标轴标签 ax.set_xticks(x) 这里使用了中文宋体...np.arange(0.,1400,100)) plt.xlim(0.0,1.6) plt.ylim(0.0,1300) xminorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.05) #将x轴次刻度标签设置为...0.05的倍数 yminorLocator = MultipleLocator(50...
ggplot is one of the most famous library in R and I use it very ofen in daily workflow. But there are three topics I seldomly touch before: legend, label and font size. One reason is that they are not a necessity in out plot. But I believe it is good to be packed in our back...