ggplot2 is not only the R language’s most popular data visualization package, it is also an ecosystem. Numerous add-on packages give ggplot added power to do everything from more easily changing axis labels to auto-generating statistical information to customizing . . . almost anything.Here ar...
For example p + labs(title = "Main title", x = "X axis label", y = "Y axis label") changes main title and axis labels. title: plot main title. subtitle: the text for the subtitle for the plot which will be displayed below the title. caption: the text for the caption which ...
在没有其他参数的情况下设置panel.background = element_blank()可以从面板中删除这些线条和颜色。 b + theme(axis.text = element_blank()) b + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) b + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) 要从两个轴上删除文本,我们可以使用axis.text = element_blank()。
ggplot2 is not only the R language’s most popular data visualization package, it is also an ecosystem. Numerous add-on packages give ggplot added power to do everything from more easily changing axis labels to auto-generating statistical information to customizing . . . almost anything. Here ...
mygraph$labels$x="Discharge of materials" #changes x axis title mygraph$labels$y="Area Affected" # changes y axis title And the work is done. Below is the complete answer. install.packages("Sleuth2") library(Sleuth2) library(ggplot2) ex1221new<-data.frame(Discharge<-c(100:109),Area<...
("Total bill") + # Set axis labels ggtitle("Average bill for 2 people") + # Set title theme_bw() # A line graph ggplot(data=dat1, aes(x=time, y=total_bill, group=sex, shape=sex, colour=sex)) + geom_line(aes(linetype=sex), size=1) + # Set linetype by sex geom_point(...
ggplot2 is not only the R language’s most popular data visualization package, it is also an ecosystem. Numerous add-on packages give ggplot added power to do everything from more easily changing axis labels to auto-generating statistical information to customizing . . . almost anything....
Note that this didn’t change the x axis labels. See Axes (ggplot2) for information on how to modify the axis labels. If you use a line graph, you will probably need to use scale_colour_xxx and/or scale_shape_xxx instead of scale_fill_xxx. colour maps to the colors of lines and...
由于缩放的问题,我们必须使用ggplot2包中的R函数scale_y_continuous( )。另外,另一个函数 sec_axis( ) 被用来添加一个次要的轴,并将规格分配给它。语法sec_axis(trans,name,break,labels,guide)参数:trans : 需要进行转换的公式或函数。 name : 二级轴的名称。由于我们要处理的是二级Y轴,所以我们需要在 ...
Note that, additional arguments are available to customize the main title, axis labels, the font style, axis limits, legends and the number at risk table. More customized survival curves Focus onxlimandbreak.time.byparameters which do not change the calculations of estimates of survival surves....