Nano-Trap:与agarose beads或者magnetic beads结合,在免疫沉淀或蛋白质相互作用的实验中,可高效抓取或纯化GFP或RPF融合蛋白。 (优点:三好三多) 优点一:抗体好---Nano-Traps采用的抗体是基于alpaca的单域抗体片段(VHHS);具有分子量小(15Kda)、极端稳定(70℃仍保持稳定),高亲和力(高特异性性结合GFP蛋白),无普通抗...
GFP-Trap应用于拟南芥IP和ChIP的操作方法 ◀ 用GFP-trap从表达sim3-GFP的转基因拟南芥提取物中 免疫沉淀sim3-GFP。三个重复反应(1,2,3)。每个反应中取 5ul的beads进行SDS-PAGE和银染色。红色三角形表示 sim3-GFP(约94 kDa)。 Formation of NPR1 Condensates Promotes Cell Survival during the Plant Immune ...
产品描述:与agarose beads或者magneticbeads结合,在免疫沉淀或蛋白质相互作用的实验中,可高效抓取或纯化GFP或RPF融合蛋白。 Chromotek的Nano-Trap®基于alpaca的单域抗体片段(VHHS) Ø小型,分子量在15Kda Ø极端稳定,70℃仍保持稳定 Ø高亲和力,高特异性性结合GFP蛋白 GFP-Trap® 产品特点(高稳定性、高亲和...
Our lab has used the GFP-Trap Agarose beads on many occasions to successfully co-immunoprecipitate GFP fusion proteins for Mass Spectrometry and for RNA sequencing (RIP-Seq). We even managed to pulldown enough of one protein to detect it after the western blot on the PVDF membrane with amido...
货号: CAS 号: 参考报价: 立即询价电话咨询 [发表评论][本类其他产品][本类其他供应商][收藏] 销售商:上海默瑞生物科技有限公司查看该公司所有产品 >> 产品介绍 公司简介 Effective pulldown for consistent results Description: anti-GFP VHH coupled to agarose beads for immunoprecipitation of GFP-fusion prote...
TurboGFP-Trap Agarose is an affinity bead for immunoprecipitation (IP) of TurboGFP fusion proteins It comprises an anti-TurboGFP VHH/ Nanobody coupled to agarose beads. Description Immunoprecipitation of TurboGFP-fusion proteins and their interacting factors with anti-TurboGFP Nanobody conjugated to ...
GFP-Trap® Agarose is an affinity resin for IP of GFP-fusion proteins. It consists of a GFP Nanobody/ VHH coupled to agarose beads. The ChromoTek GFP-Trap® Agarose is a ready-to-use reagent. Description The GFP-Trap Agarose Kit contains GFP-Trap Agarose, lysis, wash, and elution ...
摘要:病程相关蛋白PR1(pathogenesis related PR1 proteins, PR1)在小麦抗病防御反应中发挥重要作用。本 试验是在前期研究基础上,借助烟草成功表达TaPR1蛋白,利用 GFP-Trap 技术结合质谱分析获得与TaPR1互 作的蛋白。同时,利用酵母双杂交技术(Yeast two-hybrid, Y2H)在接种叶锈菌生理小种PHNT的‘中国春’小麦...
Proteins can be digested when still coupled to the beads forsubsequent massspectrometry analysis. Enzymatic activity assays can be performed when still coupled tothe beads if theactive center is not blocked. ReproducibilityThe GFP-Trap is a small, soluble and stable single polypeptidechain that is ...
TurboGFP-Trap Agarose is an affinity bead for immunoprecipitation (IP) of TurboGFP fusion proteins It comprises an anti-TurboGFP VHH/ Nanobody coupled to agarose beads.