Nano-Trap:与agarose beads或者magnetic beads结合,在免疫沉淀或蛋白质相互作用的实验中,可高效抓取或纯化GFP或RPF融合蛋白。 (优点:三好三多) 优点一:抗体好---Nano-Traps采用的抗体是基于alpaca的单域抗体片段(VHHS);具有分子量小(15Kda)、极端稳定(70℃仍保持稳定),高亲和力(高特异性性结合GFP蛋白),无普通抗...
Our lab has used the GFP-Trap Agarose beads on many occasions to successfully co-immunoprecipitate GFP fusion proteins for Mass Spectrometry and for RNA sequencing (RIP-Seq). We even managed to pulldown enough of one protein to detect it after the western blot on the PVDF membrane with amido...
chromotek公司GFP-Trap®_A/现货/价格/代理,Effective pulldown for consistent resultsDescription:anti-GFP VHH coupled to agarose beads for immunoprecipitation of GFP-fusion proteinsSpecificity: AcGFP, Clover, eGFP, Emerald, GFP, GFP5, GFP Envy,
ChromoTek公司GFP-Trap与RFP-Trap产品说明 德国ChromoTek公司成立于2008年,致力于细胞生物学和蛋白质组学的研发与研究,公司拥有强大的研发团队,有先进的生物制剂,主要主要使命是花费较少的时间和成本,使客户获得得高质量的实验数据。 GFP-Trap®——值得信赖的科研工具: 产品描述:与agarose beads或者magneticbeads结合...
即用型抗GFP的纳米抗体偶联beads。 一步法快速将GFP融合蛋白下拉。 应用:IP/Co-IP;MS;ChIP/RIP ·25µL GFP-Trap悬液即可用于大量细胞 ·无重链及轻链干扰 ·有效捕获低丰度蛋白 ·不受苛刻的裂解液成分影响,IP数据准确 ·不受严苛的洗涤影响,让背景最小化 ...
TurboGFP-Trap Agarose is an affinity bead for immunoprecipitation (IP) of TurboGFP fusion proteins It comprises an anti-TurboGFP VHH/ Nanobody coupled to agarose beads. Description Immunoprecipitation of TurboGFP-fusion proteins and their interacting factors with anti-TurboGFP Nanobody conjugated to ...
GFP-Trap® Agarose is an affinity resin for IP of GFP-fusion proteins. It consists of a GFP Nanobody/ VHH coupled to agarose beads. The ChromoTek GFP-Trap® Agarose is a ready-to-use reagent. Description The GFP-Trap Agarose Kit contains GFP-Trap Agarose, lysis, wash, and elution ...
试验是在前期研究基础上,借助烟草成功表达TaPR1蛋白,利用 GFP-Trap 技术结合质谱分析获得与TaPR1互 作的蛋白。同时,利用酵母双杂交技术(Yeast two-hybrid, Y2H)在接种叶锈菌生理小种PHNT的‘中国春’小麦酵母文库中筛选获得与TaPR1互作的寄主蛋白。经过序列比对分析,2种方法共同筛选出谷氨酰氨合成酶 (...
TurboGFP-Trap Agarose is an affinity bead for immunoprecipitation (IP) of TurboGFP fusion proteins It comprises an anti-TurboGFP VHH/ Nanobody coupled to agarose beads. DescriptionThe TurboGFP-Trap Agarose Kit contains TurboGFP-Trap Agarose, lysis, wash, and elution buffers for efficient immunoprec...
Immunoprecipitation Binding of theGFP-fusionSince the GFP binding protein is covalently coupled to the beads’surface, the GFP-Trap beads are ready-to-use and can be directlyadded to the prepared lysate. The affinity ofGFP-nanobody is in thepicomolar range, therefore depletion of GFP-fusions can...