Shimono M, Ino M, Sonoda S, Fujimura T, Nishiguchi M (2005) Inverse correlation between mRNA levels in GFP-silenced transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana and resistance to Potato virus X engineered to contain GFP sequence. J Gen Plant Pathol 71(2):147–152...
有时候我们也需要检测荧光蛋白的mRNA来分析这些cell,比如这篇paper:Rainbow-Seq: Combining Cell Lineage Tracing with Single-Cell RNA Sequencing in Preimplantation Embryos其实是可行的,首先找到荧光蛋白DNA序列,通过蛋白序列去blast,然后把我们的fastq比对上去找出真正的荧光蛋白DNA reference。
A novel cis-acting element from the 3′UTR of DNA damage-binding protein 2 mRNA links transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression sequences as short as 25 nucleotides from the central region of the 3′UTR of DDB2 were sufficient to accelerate decay of the heterologous ...
含内含子的基因组连接gfp能表达 大多数真核结构基因中的间插序列(interveningsequence)或不编码序列。它们可以转录,但在基因转录后,由这些间插序列转录的部分(也可用内含子这个术语表示)经加工被从初级转录本中准确除去,才产生有功能的RNA。基因的编码部分称外显子。内含子常比外显子长,且占基因...
Without a targeting sequence, sGFP(S65T) accumulated diffusely in the cytoplasm and nucleus (Figure 4a,d). As no manipulation was required prior to sample observation, the integrity of cell structure and morphology was maintained perfectly. Although plastids in roots and leaves have very different...
Using the GFP point mutant blue fluorescence protein (BFP) as a model target RNA, our artificial RNA editing system could successfully convert C-to-U at the mRNA level, restoring the wild-type sequence. Results Restoration of RNA using an artificial enzyme system For the purpose of confirming ...
目前研究主要集中在对哺乳动物细胞,进行高效的siRNA序列的设计和实验鉴定;而对于鱼类细胞系siRNA的序列专一性要求非常严谨,与靶mRNA之间一个碱基错配都会显著削弱基因沉默的效果。 发明内容 本发明公开一种靶向抑制绿色荧光蛋白GFP基因表达的siRNA序列,本发明所设计的针对GFP蛋白的SiRNA序列在鱼类细胞系(CIK)中能够利用...
Objective To construct a plasmid encoding the human Toll-like receptor 9(TLR9) full length and green fluorescent protein(GFP),and investigate the expression of TLR9/GFP fusion protein in HEK293T cells in order to detect its response to CpG DNA stimulation.Methods According to the sequence of hu...
如拟南芥 A tskp1 基因在茎尖、 花序、 根的分生组织及叶原基和花原基等分裂旺盛的组织中呈现高水平表达 ,在这些分裂活性高的部位 Atskp1 基因的 mRNA 高度累积 ,因此 A tskp1 基因可能是植物细胞维持分裂活性所必不可少的[2]; 另研究表明拟南芥中 S K P1 参与的 SCF 复合体在生长素响应途径中也起着...
Stably transformed Arabidopsis lines have been generated with GFP targeted to the mitochondria using either of two plant mitochondrial signal sequences from the beta-ATPase subunit or the mitochondrial chaperonin CPN-60. Mitochondrially targeted GFP, which is easily detectable using an epifluorescent or...