04:17玻璃配合料最优碎玻璃比例算法(GFDA-SYSTEM) 2019-7-19 08:40 01:29芒硝含率碳粉含率算法GFDA-SYSTEM 2019-7-18 11:31 06:11玻璃配方料单组成反算(GFDA-SYSTM) 2019-7-18 11:30 16:09玻璃配方料单计算【GFDA-SYSTEM】 2019-7-16 20:20 ...
Medtronic has announced that its long-awaited 780G diabetic therapy system has gained FDA approval which includes support for iPhone andApple Watchmonitoring. The Medtronic 780G system encompasses the insulin therapy pump and the Guardian 4 constant glucose monitor — or CGM. Combined...
Dexcom G5 Mobile CGM System Approved by FDAMary K. Caffrey
A real-world disproportionality analysis of anti-VEGF drugs from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System of their association with systemic AEs are still lacking.Methods A disproportionality analysis of reports from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System from ... Ruishan Zhou,Peiwen Lu,Mingxiu He,...
The A′1u ← X0+g System of Gold Dimer The A'1 ← X0 system of gold dimer was studied at a Doppler-limited resolution of 120 MHz. The molecules were prepared by laser vaporization of a gold rod and cooled by supersonic expansion in helium. Rotationally resolved spectra of the... AM...
ANSYS 14.0是2011年底新推出的版本,在该版本中,加入了一个新的模块System Coupling,目前只能用于fluent与ansys mechanical的双向流固耦合计算。官方文档中有介绍说以后会逐渐添加对其它求解器的支持,不过这不重要,重要的是现在FLUENT终于可以不用借助第三方软件进行...
主旨 本公司「EFAI Cardiosuite CTA Acute Aortic Syndrome Assessment System」獲得美國FDA上市許可通知。 符合條款 第 53 款 事實發生日 113/04/09 說明 1.事實發生日:113/04/09 2.公司名稱:長佳智能股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司 ...
主旨 本公司「EFAI NEUROSUITE CT ICH ASSESSMENT SYSTEM」 獲美國FDA上市許可 符合條款 第 53 款 事實發生日 112/10/05 說明 1.事實發生日:112/10/05 2.公司名稱:長佳智能股份有限公司 3.與公司關係(請輸入本公司或子公司):本公司 4.相互持股比例:不適用 5.發生緣由:本公司「EFAI NEUROSUITE CT ICH...