Median Genes per Cell :1,258 Mean Reads per Cell :17,723 应用方向 GEXSCOPE®单细胞转录组建库试剂盒可用于从单细胞层面上,一次性解析从数百到数万个单细胞中基因表达情况,从而从单细胞层面上探究导致某种生命现象的原因。该技术主要可应用于如下领域: ...
Median Targeted Genes per CellThe median number of targeted genes detected per cell-associated barcode. Detection is defined as the presence of at least 1 UMI count. This metric will appear instead of the metricMedian Genes per Cellabove. ...
在探索单细胞技术临床应用之路的同时,新格元单细胞产品正在逐步构建灵活高效的单细胞研究工具体系。 GEXSCOPE®海量单细胞测序试剂盒优势 GEXSCOPE®V2试剂盒的主要升级点 新版V2试剂盒延续了新格元单细胞系统试剂盒V1版本微流控微孔法的基本原理和单细胞实验流...
In order to reduce the gene expression matrix to its most important features, Cell Ranger uses Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to change the dimensionality of the dataset from (cells x genes) to (cells xM) whereMis a user-selectable number of principal components (vianum_principal_comps)....