Getting to Yes PDF Download Free Topics of the book Here are the topics covered in “Getting to Yes PDF”: The problem of positional bargaining: In “Getting to Yes PDF,” William Ury and Roger Fisher begin by highlighting the problem with positional bargaining. They argue that positional bar...
谈判力哈佛最为权威的谈判著作Getting To Yes中文版.doc,《谈判力:哈佛最为权威的谈判著作Getting To Yes 中文版》中信出版社作者:罗杰·费希尔、威廉·尤里、 布鲁斯·巴顿 前言 /V 第一部分 问题 /1 第一章 不要在立场上讨价还价 /2 第二部分 谈判方式 /13 第二章 把人
中信近年来致力于对美国畅销书的推荐与传播,即便是这本05年已经被外语教学与研究出版社出版过的《Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Whithout Giving in》也被重新编排推荐。而这本书的书名也没有逃过出版商的魔掌,《谈判力》,大有与前著《沟通力》、风靡一时的《执行... (展开) 62 5 6回应 jordanpan...
GETTING TO YES 中文版《谈判力》.docx,谈判力 无论你愿意与否,你都是一名谈判者。谈判是生活中无法避免的现实。你要和老板商量提薪,要和小贩讨价还价,要和家人商定度假目的地…… 常见的谈判策略大多属于温和或强硬的方式。温和的方式总是尽力避免摩擦和冲突,为了达到
Getting to Yes - Negotiation Skills Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In is a classic book on negotiation that has been widely influential since it was first published in 1981.
Getting to Yes – With Yourself -- Book ReviewJohn SturrockWilliam Ury
Sincere, well-meaning people who want to write a book and get it published…. And SHOULD, because they have knowledge others can benefit from – or something valuable and important to say. But, because publishing is such a small, closed industry, they have no idea where to begin … or ...
There are so many Facebook users...Date: 01/25/2011Rule #1–about public or shared code! Do not break compatibility without screaming to the world you are breaking compatibility!<rant> Better yet just do not break compatibility at all! We have been going over......
getting to yes negotiating an agreement without giving in文档.pdf,Getting to YES Negotiating an agreement without giving in Roger Fisher and William Ury With Bruce Patton, Editor Second edition by Fisher, Ury and Patton (selected texts) Contents: I THE P
In Response To Winfried Reng Winfried, Thanks for the added information. Yes, it is mysterious! I'm just grateful that only six of the 317 graphics in my book were problematic...this time. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Follow Repor...