In fact, if I were to go back to my younger self and tell her where I am now, she would never believe me. You see, I started reading Tarot as a teenager and immediately felt drawn to it. But I always saw it as a hobby, and just did readings for myself and a handful of my ...
Most of my bills and statements are paperless, but I do keep some physical receipts, and there are always a few bit of important paper to keep track of. I limit myself to a single file box, which works pretty well. Everything else gets shredded. Physical Objects Okay that’s too big ...
future. Sometimes I tell myself it's just my thought, for it's not close to the situation I am staying now. Now thinking about my future, it's a little far and later think it clearly, then I know it's just the truth . It's not that I don't think about my future, [...
Unit 5 Getting to Know Steven Spielberg说课稿 热度: Unit-01-neat people vs sloppy people 热度: TaylorDavisEducationalSystems.taylordavis1 ContentsUnit1GettingtoKnowPeople AimsBeingabletointroduceoneself;design abusinesscard;usePresentSimple. KeyPointsKnowinghowtointroduceoneselfand ...
employer to correct our team’s job architecture and set an appropriate growth plan between myself and my manager. The course also provided me with confidence in my experience, so if I decide to pursue a new company or position, I will feel like I have more control in the interview ...
Unit 01 Getting to Know People ContentsAims Week__4Unit1GettingtoKnowPeopleBeingabletointroduceoneself;designabusinesscard;usePresentSimple.KeyPointsKnowinghowtointroduceoneselfandusePresentSimple.DifficultPointsIntroducingoneselforally HomeworkPreviewthelessonsandgetreadyfordictation;designabusinesscard.TaylorDavis...
And they probably know a little bit about me because I've really put myself out there on my website and things like that. And I don't have to take that extra time, which I enjoy, and I can get right into the meat of things. Michael: There's two interesting things that jump out...
You may want to read a little bit about how I started eating a plant-based diet or my struggle with health, and how I healed myself. Read my article, “My Personal Healthy Journey.” I know that living a long and healthy life is probably important to you, and that's why I believe...
Well that's it for today. Thanks for visiting. It's time for a much-needed break. I'll be braving this snowy day (Yes here in Michigan we are already blanketed in white.) My daughter is treating me to a pedicure, so I'm off to go pamper myself. Wishing you a relaxing day!