If you need a primer on what these core values are,you might want to check out this post featuring 100 examples of values to live by. If you're doing this with your family,here's a guide on how to find out your family core values. Also, quizzes can be quite helpful when it come...
Be on your way to become a mathematician by practicing to complete the counting. Pre-K K VIEW DETAILS Counting Backwards Count Backwards within 20 with Christmas Cookies Worksheet Master the skill of backward counting with this interactive worksheet on sequences within 20. K VIEW DETAILS ...
Test yourself on the following facts: add or subtract one from a range of numbers. Here you will find our range of kindergarten worksheets which will help you child learn to count and add one more to numbers. The following worksheets involve using accurate counting skills combined with adding ...
We work on foundational skills that begin at the toddler level and extend to pre-reading and pre-writing skills. The goal is to help students better understand the environment that they are surrounded by each day. Reading Worksheets This is the strongest and most in-depth area of our website...
A porcupine rattles its quills and sends off an unpleasant odor to protect itself. Finding yourself on the wrong end of a porcupine's quills may be more thrills than you're looking for. 4th Grade Boa or Python? (Article) Learn the similarities and differences between boas and pythons wi...
Test yourself on the following facts: + and - facts to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100, 500 or 1000. adding and subtracting one(s) to/from 2 digit numbers; adding and subtracting ten(s) to/from 2 digit numbers; adding and subtracting hundred(s) to/from 3 digit numbers. ...
Finding the mode, median, mean and range Pictograms Line graphs but there are plenty of planks to walk, doubloons to find, pirate battles to win and parrots to deal with on the way! Data driven Find lots of worksheets to help your child learn how to handle data. Here are a few that...
Positive self talk can improve someone’s outlook on life, no matter what age. In addition, positive self-talk has been linked to improved physical health, including better cardiovascular health, immune function, and pain management. In today’s fast-paced and often stressful world, it is easy...
Elves in My Garden - Bank On It! - This is a short one, but good one! I always thought their were a group of elves working on my lawn too, but not in a good way. The Big Bad Storm - Bank On It! - The storm is finding it's way towards you. What do you do? I would fi...
Menstruation is the regular, roughly monthly discharge of blood, mucus, and tissue debris from the uterus in non-pregnant breeding-age primate females. It is thought to be the uterus’ readjustment to the non-pregnant state after the proliferative changes brought on by the previous ovulation....