译注:Unity项目往往稍微大点就会有性能瓶颈。Unity 2018提出了面向数据编程模式的ECS系统,结合新的安全的多线程机制Job System来解决这个问题,来取代过去的单线程、面向对象的GameObject/MonoBehaviour模式。 …
Using IronScheme in Unity3D valerydc has successfully managed to embed and use IronScheme in Unity3D Seehttp://forum.unity3d.com/threads/76266-Facilities-for-script-languages-Scheme-in-particularfor details. You can also view the initial discussion @http://ironscheme.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?
Starting in Unity Plugin 4.3.0, you can access impression-level user revenue data on the client side. You can use this data to compare different sources and campaigns. You can also access this data by using the MAXUser Revenue API.