It looks like it good be a drain or fruit fly. Here's how to deal with them: Step 1Check your drains for larvae. Put tape over the top of drain and poke some holes in it. If the flies get stuck on the tape, then you know you have drain flies. Step 2Shower pans leak often ...
Another important thing to mention is aeration. If you are using a typical Rubbermaid type of bin its not a bad idea to drill some holes in the lid and along the sides prior to adding your bedding/worms etc. This allows for more air flow in and out of the bin. If you have your bi...
Now that I have started growing my hoya plants as a hobby, I have bought a soil moisture meter. This is a gadget that you stick into the soil and it will tell you the moisture level at the moment. This works great for me. I will water each pot, let it drain near the kitchen sin...
If you believe that democracy is about the majority having their way, then the UK system needs to change so that government is representative of the majority, and that means getting rid of the FPTP system. Mick July 1, 2019 “We don’t believe you” – the public is getting ever more...
Food for your Sundews-if you want your sundew seeds or plants to grow as fast as possible, you will want tofeed them often. You can use Beta Bites (fish food pellets), freeze-dried bloodworms, or live insects, such as wingless or flightless fruit flies. See mysundew feeding pagefor mo...