When you’re dealing with a serious fruit fly infestation in your home, remember that everything from your garbage and recycling cans, to your fruit bowls and potato bins, can potentially draw fruit flies. Home remedies are incredibly effective when it comes to solving the perennial problem of ...
Poison bait remedy for fruit fliesAgricultural Journal of South Africa
Eliminate fruit flies from your kitchen and drain. These cleaning tips and DIY solutions, including homemade traps and store-bought options, get the job done.
Leave an inch or two of Classic Coke in the bottom of a pop bottle and twist on the cap. Take a hammer and nail or drill to make a small hole in the cap (about 1/4″ diameter). Set the bottle in the room where the flies are heaviest. They will crawl in and won’t be able ...
We had to trap him in a live animal trap to remedy the situation. Next, the earwigs found their way into the plastic baggies through the stem opening, but they didn’t get through the nylon footies. Next year I will put a strip of Tangle-Trap around the trunk of the tree to keep ...